View Full Version : Foundation Plan

2006-01-08, 12:53 AM
I have a little problem with foundation plans. My architectural floor plan shows a CMU wall 8" plus mtl. furr. and drywall finish for a total width of 9 1/2". Everything it is fine so far.
When I do a foundation plan I need to show only the 8" CMU wall with the ftg below the wall. I tried to do 2 separate wall one foundation wall and a wall on top with all finishes.
The problem is that I need to show window and door opening in my foundation plan. Any ideas how to achieve this?

2006-01-08, 01:31 AM
Under Visibility Graphics, turn on "Over-ride Host Layers ", then make the drywall White.

2006-01-08, 01:54 AM
thanks Beegee nice idea. But layer overide will affect only the foundation plan view or any other view too?

2006-01-08, 02:01 AM
Host layer over-ride is view specific.

2006-01-08, 05:21 PM
Another alternative is to use the Linework tool to make model lines invisible or hidden or any other line style that has been predefined in the project. This only controls the Exterior and Interior faces. So to get around the furring and drywall material layers I combined them into one material layer.

The Linework tool changes the footing into hidden lines and for the basement window I used the Plan Region tool around the window to change the View Range>Cut Plane to a higher value.

2006-01-09, 08:28 PM
Doesn't this call for a vertical split region in the wall finish only?

If it IS the same CMU wall afterall... Modify the structure of the wall in section. First you have to View the structure in Section, then unlock the individial layers. Then you can stop the interior finishes where ever they really stop.

Am I missing something about the problem?

Hope that helps,

2006-01-09, 09:05 PM
If it IS the same CMU wall afterall... Modify the structure of the wall in section. First you have to View the structure in Section, then unlock the individial layers. Then you can stop the interior finishes where ever they really stop.

This how I would approach this, as well.

2006-01-09, 09:18 PM
yes this will solve the problem in section, but my problem is that I need to show my walls at 4' high cut line showing windows and door openings but for my foundation plan I don't need to show the extra inches of my finish walls just the CMU.

2006-01-09, 09:47 PM
Did you try/acknowledge Beegee's tip... it should work... so I'm not sure if you're still having an issue?

Another approach is to use two separate wall types - a CMU wall type and a furring wall type adjacent to each other.

Make the CMU type a "Bearing" wall type and the furring wall type should be "Non-bearing". Use the Join Geometry tool to join the walls together so door and window openings will work.

In your structural plan view, change the "Discipline" to "Structural" in the view properties. Walls that are not bearing/shear will disappear from view.

2006-01-09, 09:58 PM
Hey Reviteer's

It sounds like this isn't a wall type problem so much as a cut plane or plan region problem. Am I misunderstanding the problem correctly? : ) Have you tried carefully placed plan regions cropped right around the doors? set to the height you need to display the doors [above]? Wouldn't a foundation plan be cut lower?

And now for the really dumb question: why do you need to show Level 1 doors on your foundation plan? If it's precast sills or something you need to show, put them in the model??

Sorry if I am missing the point entirely.

2006-01-09, 10:07 PM
Sorry if I am missing the point entirely.
Me too...

When someone posts a question, it's really helpful when they provide some graphic example (sketch, model, screen shot) of the issue... that way we don't all have to guess at what the issue is. Providing feedback to answers is also helpful.