View Full Version : Rebates for exterior door sills

2006-01-10, 04:56 AM
Just wondered if anyone had come up with a technique for rebating exterior doors into concrete floors that doesn't involve creating an in-place family.

Would like my door families to automatic cut the void from the floor, but as they are wall based I have had no luck.

I thought it might work if I created the perimeter foundation as a wall rather than as a host sweep, but I've had problems with foundation rebates for the block cladding when doing this before.

Thoughts ?


2006-01-10, 06:54 AM
How about a floor hosted family comprised of just a void cutting the floor, not in-place, a component family. Can place it where these doors occur and just make the same size types for quick alignment.

2006-01-10, 01:50 PM
Could you nest that floor hosted familiy within the door family?

2006-01-11, 01:17 AM
Thanks for the suggestions - tried both.

I can't nest the floor hosted family to the wall hosted one, which is a real shame, as it cannot share the parametrics of the door family.

I can create the void and insert on floor slabs - unfortuately the void then needs to be defined / locked to other geomtery to control its form.

I did have a few moments trying to get the floor hosted rebate to align with my slab edges, but eventually got around it by using a symbolic line aligned with the edge of the void.

Is there any other way my floor hosted family can get at the parametrics of the door family?