View Full Version : Visibility of trim in plan view

2006-01-10, 09:14 PM
Problem! I have this cased opening see, and it has this trim see,... well when I bing it into my plan I don't want the trim to be visible. It is visible but in the family the Plan/RCP box in the the Visibility dialogue box is unchecked. The problem seems to be that the "When cut in Plan/RCP (if category permits)" box is checked and grayed out. Can anyone tell me what's going on?


2006-01-10, 09:26 PM
Is this a family? What family type is it? It could be possible that it is in a category that does not cut.

2006-01-10, 09:27 PM
You can make the visibility of the trim an option in the element properties by adding a paramenter for it (yes/no) - click little box to right of visibility in family properties. Another option would be creating a subcategory for the trim and turning it off in the visibility graphics of the floor plan.

2006-01-10, 10:13 PM
I allways put trim on the trim subcategory so I can turn it on and off as necessary. A visibilty parameter will limit you when you actually do want to see it in a jamb detail.