View Full Version : Door visibility anomaly

Paul P.
2006-01-11, 04:59 PM
I got a problem with door's not showing properly in a plan view (see the attached image - Third floor) the internal walls are a group with the doors included but the french doors to the external walls are not grouped.

I've checked everything vis. graphics, sub-categories, view range, phasing not being used, un-grouped, re-grouped, removed plan regions from adjacent areas, all the settings are as those on the lower levels. I've even tried drawing a separate wall on this level and added a door and it's still showing the same

This group is repeated around the building on the lower levels with no other problems (see the attached image - Second floor), I'm stuck for what it could be so if anyone has any suggestion as to what I could try I would be very grateful.

Regards, Paul.

2006-01-11, 05:15 PM
Sills are above FFL? Or floor is higher than expected perhaps? Or walls on this level go below FFL and haven't joined geometry with the floor?

EDIT: or a colleague drew lots of drafting lines on that plan just to bug you?! ;)

Paul P.
2006-01-12, 08:42 AM
Damn those pesky colleagues, I wish it was them but unfortunately it's not or any of your suggestions.

Thanks anyway Elrond.

Regards, Paul.

2006-01-12, 10:23 AM
What about the walls on the level below - are they higher than the FFL of this floor?

Paul P.
2006-01-12, 11:53 AM
No (see attached image), going to have to send it in to support I think.

Keep the suggestions coming if you can think of anything else.


2006-01-12, 03:04 PM
Floors turned on?
Wireframe on?

Paul P.
2006-01-12, 03:47 PM
Floor's on and hidden line view. I've sent it into my reseller to see if they can find out whats wrong with it, I'll post back when/if they find out what the problem is.


2006-01-13, 12:52 PM
I've had the same thing happen a couple of times and could never figure out what it was. To fix it I deleted and reinserted the doors and the problem seemed to go away.

Paul P.
2006-01-13, 01:47 PM
Karl, tried that as well, still no joy. Waiting to hear back from reseller support.

Max Lloyd
2006-01-13, 02:41 PM
I have had this happen and could not figure it out myself. I know its not hi-tech, but the invisible line tool was my solution.