View Full Version : Quadruple sliding doors

2006-01-11, 08:06 PM
Description: New Door type under the door style design rules for a 4-panel sliding door with the center two leaves positioned closed, open or partially open per the opening percentage and outer two panels shown in the closed position. This would be similar to the having two 2-panel sliding doors back to back but without a center jamb.

How Used: Used for retail facility entrances and hospital ICU sliding doors and other places. This is a fairly common sliding door configuration.

Feature Affinity: Using an assembly the configuration can be made to appear correctly with two 2-panel sliding doors without frames placed in a window assembly frame. But this does not schedule properly and none of the current door type options schedule properly for a 4-panel sliding door.

2006-01-11, 10:05 PM
Description: New Door type under the door style design rules for a 4-panel sliding door with the center two leaves positioned closed, open or partially open per the opening percentage and outer two panels shown in the closed position. This would be similar to the having two 2-panel sliding doors back to back but without a center jamb.

How Used: Used for retail facility entrances and hospital ICU sliding doors and other places. This is a fairly common sliding door configuration.

Feature Affinity: Using an assembly the configuration can be made to appear correctly with two 2-panel sliding doors without frames placed in a window assembly frame. But this does not schedule properly and none of the current door type options schedule properly for a 4-panel sliding door.
I would add that, if possible, it would also be nice to be able to show breakaway conditions. Often these are part of an egress path, and the sliding panels and sometimes also the fixed panels [at exterior conditions where the fixed panels are situated on the exterior side] need to manually breakaway [swing outward] should the sliding doors ever fail to open completely during an emergency. Having all of that built into a door type, rather than faking it with custom blocks, would be a real time saver and make creating these types of doors consistent with other types. [Of course, being able to customize the appearance of the panels and frame without having to resort to custom blocks would be nice, too.]