View Full Version : Support Email?

2004-03-30, 08:50 PM
I've seen various topics that mentioned sending a file to support for them to take a look at, but I can't find any contact info on the Revit website. Is there a process I have to go through?

While I'm here, I guess I'll try to sum up my problem.

I have a user who came in this morning, tried to open her file and got the error message "software error" and the program closed.

Renamed four backup files from yesterday, got the same message for each one.

Pulled a backup from last Wednesday, still the same message.

By chance, opened the file on what turns out is the only machine in the office that can open it (all running identical builds). Got the error but was able to continue. Did a save as and all seem to be working again.

Confused is an understatement.

2004-03-30, 10:26 PM
There are a couple places on this site where we give contact info for Revit... THIS IS ONE (http://www.zoogdesign.com/forums/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=394) and THIS IS THE OTHER (http://www.zoogdesign.com/forums/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=77)