View Full Version : Profiles for Sweeps, Revolves and Extrusions

2006-01-11, 11:14 PM
Is there a way to load a predefined "Profile" from a library when creating Sweeps, Revolves and extrusions similar to how a "Host Sweep" works rather than having to draw the profile every time?


Craig Taylor

2006-01-11, 11:42 PM
As of now (unless I am missing something) you can only use a predefined profile in a Sweep, not a revolve or an extrusion.

To do so in a sweep, prior to initiating the create in place process, load the desired profile with File>Load from library. Start the creation of your geometry, choose sweep, and there is a drop down list in the Options bar with loaded profiles and the By Sketch option. Just select the desired profile, use the angle and flip adjustments to get is correctly situated, and thats it.

2006-01-11, 11:43 PM
For sweeps, yes. After you draw the path look at the options bar. There is a drop down menu that should read "by sketch." If you drop that down you can pick any profile that is loaded.

As far as I know you can't use profiles for revolves or extrusions (although a sweep with a straight vertical path could easily take the place of an extrusion).


2006-01-11, 11:43 PM
doh, too slow

Dimitri Harvalias
2006-01-11, 11:59 PM
Depending on how often you need this and how complex your profiles are it might be worth creating detail components of all your profiles. Once done you can insert those into the current view when defining your revolve and use the pick option to draw your profile.

Steve Mintz
2006-03-14, 06:24 PM
Can profiles from pre-defined families be loaded and used in a sweep? I'd like to use the profile of an Angle structural section in my family, but when I try to load that family from the sweep menu options I get the message "The family is not of the correct category".

Am I missing something? Where are the profiles stored, if not in the family?