View Full Version : New User - How to attach keynote?

2006-01-13, 05:25 PM
We are just getting started with Revit in our office and I have a basic question. I'm experimenting with note blocks and following the help file instructions.

The first step in the help file says to insert keynote.rfa into the project. Done
The second part says to insert them. I'm stuck here. How do I attach a keynote to an object? I can insert it as a free standing object, but I can't seem to get it to attach to anything. They don't seem to do much if not attached.


2006-01-13, 08:03 PM
They currently aren't associated, its just schedulable note so you have to point to the right thing.

2006-01-13, 08:11 PM
Oh.. Maybe that explains it. Are you supposed to set up a different type for each seperate note within the family?

2006-01-13, 08:48 PM
Another question:

Can you set keynotes to use Arc leaders instead of straight leaders?

just found a post that said you can't. Too bad. Now we are going to have to figure out some time consuming work around. I wonder why Autodesk (revit and Acad) refuse to make it easy to use arc leaders. Curved leaders seem to be the architectural standard norm.

2006-01-13, 10:29 PM
Tags are no different. We need curved leaders for tags also.

2006-01-14, 01:05 PM
Oh.. Maybe that explains it. Are you supposed to set up a different type for each seperate note within the family?Thats generally the way to do it! There are some detailed threads discussing the best way to do keynotes so I recommend you do a search!

best wishes!

2006-01-14, 04:49 PM
Are curved leaders really THAT crucial??!! I try to use them sparingly myself, I don't find them to be very neat if used too much on a sheet.
Just my 0.2p

2006-01-14, 05:01 PM
We are just getting started with Revit in our office and I have a basic question. I'm experimenting with note blocks and following the help file instructions.

Congratulations on choosing Revit. Several good discussions and examples can be found on AUGI. In the tutorials, be sure to scroll to the bottom of the window and activate all tutorials since the beginning (only a few tutorials will show up if you don't. ) I wrote a tutorial on using keynotes as condoc comments. The question on leaders/arrow heads is also discussed in the thread. That link is HERE (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=14321)- but note there are several good examples on keynotes. Dive in, and please do ask questions. We've all been there (and I usually stay confused :lol: )

2006-01-16, 12:35 AM
Here is another tutorial for doing keynotes.