View Full Version : Can I push info to an object via a Tag?

Nic M.
2006-01-16, 07:49 AM
I have a floor plan where I need to show which window has airflow control and which doesn't.
I also want this info in a schedule.

solution so far:
I created a tag that has a symbol arrow to show the direction of the air flow.
I manually update this info in a schedule.

I would like that when a window gets tagged it automatic add this info to the schedule (just a dot (ALT0149)

So far no luck
Is this possible?

2006-01-16, 02:30 PM
The short answer is yes.
However, the tag is just a portal to the window family. You have to add a shared parameter (so it will schedule) to the window family.
I'm not sure if there's a conditional tag that will display the airflow symbol only if that window's shared parameter for airflow is set to 'yes'. You could embed that symbol in the window family and then you could control the visibility of the symbol based on that parameter.
As for the dot in the schedule, Steve Stafford has presented the best solution so far on his blog: http://revitoped.blogspot.com/ It's not perfect, but it's the best we have for now.