View Full Version : Graphics @ Split Segment Sections

2006-01-16, 04:18 PM
Took me a bit to figure this one out. And this could be an issue that has been covered before, but didn't see it in the search, so I'm posting about it.

Problem 1) Noticed having problems with the annotation symbol in a section. Wouldn't let grab a grip and adjust where the head or tail was located in the vertical direction. I could move the whole section up/down or left/right, but couldn't move just the head or the tail.

Answer) A Split Segmented Section was/is causing the problem. If you don't set your head and tail location in sections visible you wont be able to adjust or readjust those locations with out removing the split.

Problem 2) Topography was not showing up in a building section, a few wall sections and several details.

Answer) All of these instances were either the Segmented Section or call outs from that sections

Problem 3) Detail Component nested in a Profile showing up in one location, but not all instances.

Answer) Want to guess where it wasn't showing up?

Anyway noticed this before? If anyone wants to see this or cant recreate it, I can post the file. This building was created in the 2nd release of 8.1
