View Full Version : for Stephen.coff (radius & VAV blocks)

2006-01-16, 05:00 PM
original posting

Greatfull for your quick reply.
Not sure i understand what you are saying, maybe i didn't explain myself very well ?
I have attached a copy of a DB i made.
For me it seems to work very well and all seems right. Though my questioning comes from a couple of areas.
When i load it to the palette from design centre it goes into the palette fine though to get it to work as it should i have to have it set to explode in the propertie of the tool palette.
this is what i mean by having a block being blocked on it insertion. So to me that doesn't seem right. When i download or even open 90% of those blocks in this thread from you guys, they will only open in block editor. mine wile open as a drawing file with a block in it displayed as it should be after insertion. I am not sure if i am explaining myself very well ?
I havent found anywhere that explains the creation of a db from scratch or to convert an already created block to a db, they all skip the minor detail. the other issue i have is i can't seem to get the attributes to work.

If any of you have the time to look at either to db's and care to comment, i would be greatfull.
Look at them very closely and pick the **** out of them, no offence will be taken.
I just wish to doing this correctly and i don't feel i am.


Stephenwoa! i finally got a look at your 2 blocks and am stumped. first of all, i notice that you created them by (i'm assuming by block titles) by 'paste as block' to get going. all block creation should be started fresh in Block Editor, IMHO, if for no other reason than to rule out where the goofy behavior comes from.
second, i can't figure out why none of the parameter grips appear for me.... have you done any further work on them?

2006-01-18, 10:17 PM
Hi Chris,
Thanks for the follow up, very greatfull for your effort.
Well I read over the white papers and tried again, i have a heap of them i have tried to create though not very successfull yet.
I came very close with a block that consisted of mulitple types of air conditioning grilles, though when i added more than say 6 it started doing strange things.
The other problem i am having is that, is i can't get any block to work with attributes in it.

Anyway, i have attached a couple of examples.
Very greatfull for the effort you have made.

The other thing i have done is created the main Tittle Blocks I use into a Dynamic Block.
You paste the Tittle Block Block and the with visability states select the Tittle Block required. This works very well with my Blank Sheet Template, the Template has all the layers, text, dimension and plot styles already set up.
I thought this make others get more creative as a Dynamic Block doesn't just have to be our traditional blocks !
With not being able to get the attributes to work makes it a pain because i wished to make a dynamic block with all the attributes ? Not sure whats happening, it's got me stumped. Maybe a bag Autocad ?

