View Full Version : Model text on a curved wall?

2006-01-16, 07:16 PM
Is there a way to have Model text be placed on a curved wall surface. It appears that everything I try will not allow this to happen. Any ideas?

2006-01-16, 07:40 PM
I'm not sure if there is a way to have model text follow a curve, but if there isn't, and if you don't have a whole lot of text, then I would probably make a single character, position on the surface of the curved wall where the first letter is going to be, then radially array that character in a plan or RCP view, using the wall's radius centerpoint as the center of rotation for the array. Make sure the array is NOT grouped and associated. Then in a 3D view select each model text letter and change it to what you need to form the words in the model text.

2006-01-16, 08:37 PM
Check out this link. http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=21095&highlight=MODEL+TEXT+CURVED+WALL

I've used Scott Brown's method and the results have been very satisfactory.

2006-01-16, 09:05 PM
Works for me. You would still think there is a way to do it, but oh well.

2006-11-16, 01:37 AM
A quick and easy workaround for me on a project where the curved wall had doors and windows was to pick the door, window, or mullion that was tangent to the curve as the work plane for the model text, then I scooted it up over the door to create a tenant sign. I moved along the curved wall in this manner for the others.