View Full Version : 30 min. Revit demonstration, what to show?

2006-01-17, 04:02 PM
My co-worker, an interior designer, is going to be giving a 30-minute presentation about Revit to the state chapter of ASID (American Society of Interior Designers). Everyone attending will be professional interior designers, most of whom have probably never seen Revit before, except maybe a few who work at another larger architecture firm in the state.

So as far as presentation content, what things would you suggest my co-worker put in her presentation? I would guess it would need to focus more on things like materials, finish plans, details for millwork and other interior-related items; more so than what architects usually use like construction-related things, sections and details. Suggestions or ideas would be appreciated.

2006-01-17, 04:19 PM
Casework layout.
Furniture layout. Using groups with furniture for layout.
Wall sweeps.
The paint tool & split face tool.
Different ways of adding tile to a wall.
3D section box.
The "competition" on the ID side is 20-20 Giza. Take a look at that to see what many from the ID community will be comparing to Revit.

Matt Brennan
2006-01-17, 04:22 PM
DESIGN OPTIONS!!! You can never have to many ideas. You also might want to show "groups" within a furniture layout.

Clyne Curtis
2006-01-17, 06:18 PM
I spoke to the 20-20 people last week and Revit isn't even on the radar as far as their software is concerned! I will definitely have to come up with a workaround for our interior designers!

Brigham Young University

2006-01-17, 06:24 PM
so 20-20 is that a software for interior designers? Are you saying that Revit is not as good as the other or they just don't know about it or what?

Matt Brennan
2006-01-17, 06:33 PM
http://www.2020technologies.com/us-eng/index.aspx. Never heard of the product. I guess it is something to look into.

2006-01-17, 06:47 PM
so 20-20 is that a software for interior designers? Are you saying that Revit is not as good as the other or they just don't know about it or what?
20-20 is very specific to ID. It has fantastic support from casework and furniture manufactures. Far better than Revit or AutoCAD. So for a lot of small ID firms they really don't need to much of daw anything. Just drag and drop the desired casework per mfg. into the design. It even spits out a full parts list.

2006-01-17, 07:42 PM
So do you think my co-worker would need to give reasons why to use Revit over 20-20?

2006-01-17, 10:05 PM
So do you think my co-worker would need to give reasons why to use Revit over 20-20?
Oh ya. And it will be a hard sell. They will have to build a ton of content that Revit doesn't have.

2006-01-18, 12:17 PM
Spherical rendering. Use the PAN viewer (attached). An example of seeing such an image on a Web page via a java applet is at http://www.3ive.com/pano.htm