View Full Version : Split face regions and wall-hosted reveals

2006-01-17, 07:49 PM
I have an exterior wall that has various horizontal and vertical wall reveals. The majority of the wall is one color, but I would like to make a few small areas inside some of the reveals a different color. When I pick the face of the wall with the Split Face tool, I see face boundaries along all the edges of the reveals. However the surface paint tool won't allow me to pick only the area within the reveals, it just picks the entire wall face. I don't think the split-face tool would work because I would need the new face boundaries (pink sketch lines) to lie right along the existing face boundaries (orange lines), which of course isn't allowed. Any ideas how I can accomplish this?

2006-01-18, 10:47 AM
Thats a great problem actually and one the factory needs to look at. The only way i can think to get around this is offset the sketch lines slightly inside the reveal lines. By no means a sensible solution, yet it is the only one that works from what i can tell.

Whats weird is you can paint the reveal or wall face separately.

2006-01-18, 04:08 PM
Well actually I ended up just drawing a single split-face line up under a coping at the top of the wall, and after doing that it allowed me to paint only that portion below the coping, and inside those reveals. Wierd!

Paul P.
2006-04-12, 01:34 PM
Just had this problem, it definitely needs to be sorted out.

2006-09-12, 09:49 PM
It's been this way for awhile. Still there in 9.1. It ALMOST works the way you would expect. As Patricks noted above once you place a single split face line in the wall you can paint inside the reveals. Why this just can't be the default behavior is beyond me.

Chad Smith
2007-08-17, 01:23 AM
A bug that has been bothering me for a while and I was about to post about it, but looks like I've been beaten to it.
Still waiting for that "bug fix only" release, where a lot of these minor bugs and inconsistencies can be ironed out once and for all. And there are a lot.