View Full Version : Can't put Raster image over model

2006-01-17, 10:34 PM
am I correct about this? cant find a way to bring a raster image in front of anything
if so this sucks.

2006-01-18, 02:44 AM
You are correct, release 1 of revit had the image in front. For some reason they did away with that and have never implemented draw order for raster images.

2006-01-18, 10:32 AM
Yep this is a big whishlist item for me. It would be great to be able to place a raster image in 3d and apply it to a face and have it show without actually rendering. You can do it with imoprted .dwg files so why not with images?

2006-01-18, 02:46 PM
That would bump up system requirements as those mapped surfaces can consume quite a bit of memory. I'm not saying it isn't something we should have, just that it does put a load on the system.

More to the point., is this for rendering/presentation? For CD's? How would you be using this? It sounds like what you really want is material image mapping to place an image on a surface rather than a display order for images in 2D. Correct?

2006-01-18, 08:53 PM
Mostly we would use this for signage i think. Paricularly for retail developments. You could map the graphics onto the model eliminating the need to re-import the signage on every elevation.

Currently we got around this by getting the signage sent to us as a .dwg format and mapping the drawing in 3d slightly off the face of the wall it is meant to be on.

That and the fact we do do a lot of quick presentation work with the shaded view or hiddeb line with shamdows turn on. They are quite quick and effective. Being able to map some imagery on to the model would be great for this also.

2006-01-18, 09:11 PM
Good point. I had to do some signage today for a college and was thinking, "Where's the signage tool?"

2006-01-19, 04:11 PM
We use it for rendering presentations too... Ive been mass modeling surrounding buildings as extrusions, and laying it on top of a Google Earth map, just for a local reference. It works well, but right now i have to set up the map perspective in goggle earth, import both to Photoshop, and adjust as necessary, which isnt very accurate.

If i put the raster img in Revit, and try to render... it just freezes, lol. Will it actually render if i leave it for awhile? With the map on the ground plane?