View Full Version : Repeating reveals

2006-01-18, 12:22 AM
I would like to create an exterior wall type (brick/metal stud) with multiple reveals located at each floor level. This exterior wall is roughly 100' in height. How do you insert these reveals at each floor level? Can this be achieved with a single wall? Do I have to create a stacked wall condition?

Justin Marchiel
2006-01-18, 12:33 AM
i am fairly new to revit so someone might want to chim in but if you wall only spanned fomr floor to floor you coudld add the reveal in the wall family, then every time you used the wall family you would have the reveal.

the example show a sweep but a reveal is the same. sweep shows on exterior of wall, where a reveal shows on interior.


Dimitri Harvalias
2006-01-18, 01:33 AM
On the right track Justin. You do this using sweeps and reveals as you suggested but I'd probably set the wall up so it has multiple reveals with spacing set to the floor to floor height with the maximum overall wall height. Then create the wall full height rather than from floor to floor. When you create walls you may get an error warning you that it can't create the reveals. This is just Revit telling you that all the reveals can't be created because the wall is not high enough to incorporate all of them.

The one thing you need to be careful of is that all your walls have their base set to the same level so the reveals line up. (see the wall on the right)

You can create sweeps or reveals on the interior or exterior face of the wall by adjusting the value for OFFSET. A sweep creates a 'solid' profile and a reveal creates a 'void' profile.

2006-01-18, 02:44 PM
Thanks for the suggestions however....

I understand the concept of creating reveals but my issue is that I have an exterior wall that requires approximately 5 reveals per floor. This detail repeats on every other floor. I was wondering if there exists a way to create the reveals on one floor and then copy them to the others. Ideally this would create the wall type as a full height wall with the reveals already located.

2006-01-18, 03:19 PM
Adjust the sample height of the wall you are editing to 100' (The walls full height). Then layout your reveals at whatever intervals are appropriate.