View Full Version : Ramp up arrow

2006-01-18, 02:58 AM
Hello all,
I've just drawn a ramp, but I can't find a way of having an up arrow shown the way I can with stairs. Can anyone help?
Also, is it possible to change the arrow style for stairs?
Thank you.

2006-05-02, 04:40 PM

I have same problem. I have checked Properties of Element, Visibility Graphics & View Properties but I am unable to get Ramp Arrows to show.

Any help appreciated.


2006-05-02, 05:07 PM
Arrows for Ramps appear just the way they do as with stairs.
- created by Run > Arrow > yes
- created by Boundaries > Arrow > no.

2006-05-03, 04:23 AM
Can't get the arrows to show either. The "Up" text shows, but not the actual arrow, even if I use runs to draw the ramp.

2006-05-03, 09:56 AM
I've found that ramp arrows are even more useless than stair arrows. I use model lines drawn on the face of the ramp like a > shape. This also means the ramp lines show correctly in elevations and when the lower part of the ramp is obscured, for example.

Mr Spot
2006-05-03, 10:09 PM
This has been an outstanding bug for a long time. The actual arrow gets blocked out by the ramp itself. You'll notice it if you hover over the ramp, its there, its just hidden. And there has never been a way other than drawing it in to get to appear...

Would be nice to get these glitches ironed out.

2006-06-19, 07:40 PM
I just inserted my first ramp (RB9) and it's very disappointing.

I can't believe this tool is still in such premature shape. It doesn't come even close to what the industry standard representation is. The checkbox to show "Up arrow in all views" is misleading...there's no such arrow (the arrow one sees when a ramp is selected is a flip arrow). The subcategories are there, but you can't do anything with them at the moment. It looks very incomplete. I'm sure the developers are busy with other issues, but I was quite surprised by this.

2006-06-20, 01:14 PM
Yes, and - with all the max respect to the factory - I don't understand why, after so long time, ramps are so incomplete: no arrow, no break line, no layer as for floors (why? even slab foundations have it...), not to talk about join ramps with other elements such floors and walls. It should be so better try to make floors act as ramps then opposite I think...

2006-06-20, 01:30 PM
I have been using sloped floors for ramps still. Then I create a floor hosted arrow symbol. I drop the hosted model arrow onto the floor and have a label that shows the slope.

2006-06-20, 03:33 PM
I'm with you dpollard, me too I used sloped floors as ramp, but try do the same as a circular ramp and tell me what you see... the floor is sloped but is also "twisted" (excuse me I cannot find a more precise word...) both at the begin and to the end!!! This is the problem: fix this there's no more need to use ramp!

2006-06-21, 02:47 AM
I think the ramp tool is fine since it has railings associated with it. It's just a shame that the plan representation is so unfinished. I ended up switching to a 3d view, picked the sloped face as my workplane and put model lines to represent the direction of the missing "UP" arrow. It's working fine but it involves extra steps.

FORZA AZZURRI! Sorry, just had to say that (World Cup fever) :)

2006-07-11, 01:28 AM
FORZA AZZURRI! Sorry, just had to say that (World Cup fever) :)
ITALIA !! ITALIA !! - Nice game, pity about 'the' incident.

Back to regular programming;

If the arrow was there at all it would show when the view is set to wireframe.

Unfortunately asking the factory to just add one in would probably have the same result as stairs......half baked arrows.

2006-07-11, 02:10 AM
Hahaha, yes it was a pity. I was really disappointed to see Zidane's career end on that nasty note.

It would be nice if we have the capability to load a family to define the arrow. That way geographical difference can be catered for. Include something with the template, but let the user decide what it looks like. I like the arros on ramps to be as wide as the ramps myself, not like the stair one.

2007-06-21, 02:57 AM
Then I create a floor hosted arrow symbol. I drop the hosted model arrow onto the floor and have a label that shows the slope.
Can someone please tell me how a 'hosted' arrow is made (or obtained from)?

2007-06-21, 03:02 AM
Generic Model face based family would work.

2008-04-04, 12:23 AM
This thread started over 2 years ago. I can't believe the ramp arrow problem has not been fixed as of Revit v2008. Our office is just staring to test Revit out and there are MANY naysayer's, and little problems like this don't help your sales. Get on this Autodesk...

2008-04-04, 06:51 AM
It's a shame! They don't care at all. Just add some new (and few) features once a year, collect money with subscriptions and the game is over. Never fix what is broken.

2008-04-05, 02:30 AM
I feel your frustration. You won't see improvements in this area in RAC2009, unless they issue a point release down the road with further enhancements in this area. Judging by what happened in 2007 for RAC2008, I would dare say that it's not likely for this to happen.

However, there are more pressing issues to get resolved. I think most AUGI members believe and agree that developers DO care. Compromises need to be made and some tools take priority over others, whether newly introduced or an evolution of current functionality. At least this issue can be easily resolved with some lines.

2008-04-05, 07:53 AM
However, there are more pressing issues to get resolved. I think most AUGI members believe and agree that developers DO care.

I'm sure the developers care but lets not kid ourselves about Autodesk (the owners) and what it is.

We all know it's profit motivated and Autodesk know we're hooked and there's nothing we can do about it.

2008-04-05, 08:39 AM
At least this issue can be easily resolved with some lines.
I think so, and this is the shame...

2009-07-08, 08:19 PM
Still not fixed in 2010 (3.5 years after this thread was started) shocking? nahh

2010-04-15, 06:51 PM
Still not fixed in 2010 (3.5 years after this thread was started) shocking? nahh

Autodesk should be ashamed that this error isn't fixed in 2010.
Does anyone know if this has been fixed on 2011?

2010-04-15, 06:58 PM
Nope :( Gotta wait longer!

2010-04-16, 04:30 PM
Well, now that the Ribbon is perfect, they can get busy on the wish list. :?

I'm pleased to see the number of user-requested new features in 2011 - hopefully the floodgates have been opened.

Mike Sealander
2010-04-17, 01:32 AM
Actually, with 2010, I feel like Revit has more features now than I can keep up with.

2011-04-29, 07:21 PM
niether 2012, too wierd... :(

2011-07-11, 08:23 PM
You can't even place a spot slope on a ramp...
The sad thing is that some day they will fix this and we will all rejoice and be thankful to have something that we should have had all along.

2013-09-04, 09:13 AM
January 18 2006 this thread was started. Today is September 4th, 2013. We're closing up on 8 years. I just read David's accounts of Zinedine Zidane's last minutes on a soccer pitch, and simply cannot comprehend that the Ramp tool hasn't been sorted out. I just checked Revit 2014 UR1...

2013-09-04, 02:51 PM
Ah yeah, this won't be fixed until they get the stair tool right. The stair path tool would fix this issue altogether so it probably will have to wait a few more years until the ramp tool is replaced from the ground up as well. Maybe for the next World Cup ;)

2018-07-11, 06:19 PM
Nope....Final world cup game for 2018 is Sunday.

2019-07-19, 03:27 PM
Nope....Final world cup game for 2018 is Sunday.

Still doesn't work in version 2020