View Full Version : Rooms not enclosed?

2006-01-18, 06:03 AM
Hi there I am having a problem with rooms that are not enclosed! When placing a room tag some of the rooms are ‘Not enclosed’ yet others happily give me an area! I understand that in setting up I have made mistakes that are resulting in Revit not being able to make the calculations. What are the things that I need to go back and check to make the area calculations work properly? i.e. could the problem lie in the wall heights… etc.

Another question…
Is there a way to sketch the room profile of a room to get a quick area calculation without relying on room tags? Something which is not reliant on the fact that the walls from one level are overlapping in another level for example!

Thanks any advice would be great
Craig Howie

Dimitri Harvalias
2006-01-18, 07:31 AM
Check the properties of the walls and make sure they are Room Bounding (type parameter for the wall). Not sure how many wall types you've used but rather than selecting each style individually you can select them all in a 3d view, filter to make sure all you have is walls, and then change the room bounding property for all at once

You can use Room Separation Lines to 'sketch' your room outlines or create area plans and use area tags instead of room tags. You might want to check out this thread for part two as well.


2006-01-18, 10:21 AM
A couple of other problems cause this.

Columns are not room bounding. If you have walls stopping either side of a column it will actually be an opening that needs to be closed with a spearation line.

Also a problem can arise if walls etc are copied from one model to another - this seems to be a bug and Revit won't pick up the walls as bounding no matter what settings you have the walls set to. (doesn't happen all the time)

Another one that causes problems is using the "edit profile" feature on walls. Sometime people can get really carried away with this and have walls that appear in views that appear very small, or a portal frame made from a wal, or all sorts of weird and wonderful profiles.. Yet what they have actually done is edited the wall yet left the base wall bounds crossing multiple rooms etc even though the edited profile appears okay. This really screws with the room bounding as well. (seems bizarre but for some reason i see this happen all the time).

Duplicated walls (ie walls on top of walls) can slo do some bizarre things.

2006-01-18, 03:44 PM
Hey there,
Another problem causing item is "curtain wall" walls. These have cause many of my rooms to not be enclosed.
Good Luck

2017-01-30, 10:52 AM

I've been looking through some threads about rooms not being enclosed, trying to get some answers regarding this problem. 104675
In this picture I have my project (a hotel) on the right and then i drew 3 walls outside the house (on the left) to see if that would work. Well it did and I've no idea why every room in my project tells me that the room is not enclosed ?

EDIT : Found the solution. There was a huge mass inside the building that was blocking the room boundaries. Just had to delete him.