View Full Version : Topo-surface problem... NEED HELP !!!! PLEASE!

Richard McCarthy
2004-04-02, 07:31 AM
Hello Reviteers!
Another hair raising (idiotic) question from me.. hehe...

1. If there is a hole in my topo-surface....(either accidental delete of portion of split topo-surface) how can I "patch" this hole?

2. If the topo-surface is split and somehow got into 90 degree to the pad, how can I merge it with other topo-surface....??

Because right now, there is a problem with my building pad,
What I am trying to do is to move one of the pad's edge closer to another end...so far, I can only track the problem to these 2 anomalies.... Any suggestions?

2004-04-02, 07:47 AM
A hole, delete the points that define the hole...

Don't follow your second...perhaps an image?

Richard McCarthy
2004-04-02, 10:19 AM
Thanks Steve, but it still doesn't seem to solve this weird problem...

The attached below illustrate my frustration..... (Revit 6.0 File included for any kind and willing person to try out :))

Richard McCarthy
2004-04-02, 10:27 AM
OPS, forgot to post....

and OH YEH, "69" POST babyyy

Thanks Steve, but it still doesn't seem to solve this weird problem...

The attached below illustrate my frustration..... (Revit 6.0 File included for any kind and willing person to try out :))

2004-04-02, 04:19 PM
Richard, you forgot to post your revit file, but from the images it seems to be that the pad you are trying to create is intersecting two differnt surfaces, first I would merge both surfaces and then create the pad again, and then split the surface again.

By the way the message you are getting is telling you that you are trying to create your pad out of the surface, meaning that you are sketching in the surface next to it, and I think pads can exist only as part of one surface.

Richard McCarthy
2004-04-03, 10:32 AM
Ops, I must miss sending it.. :(

Here it is, for anyone interested (and please take a look thanks!)
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!~

As you can see from the picture, I am trying to move one of the edge but it always give me the same error message : "A pad can't extend the edge of a topo-surface"... anyone know?

2004-04-05, 12:10 AM
Richard -

The split surface immediately to the east of the pad seems to be the problem. I merged that split surface with the rest of the topo surface and was then able to modify any of the edges on the pad. If you need to have that area split from the rest I would wait until you have the building pad exactly like you want it.

Richard McCarthy
2004-04-05, 12:51 AM
FANTASTIC! I owe you my first born! :)

I have been trying for hours to no avail, and it never occurs to me (it doesn't seem to be from Revit point of view) that its tha innocent looking patch of split surface that is doing it.. (it is so far away from the pad's suppose position I didn't even suspected it....)

Thanks again, really appreciate your help!