View Full Version : Phased about phasing

2003-05-27, 06:13 AM
Just stated a new project - renovating a commercial building.

Obviously everthing I start drawing should be in Phase 1 - Existing , right ? Then stuff to be demolished gets put in Phase 2 - Demolition and new stuff goes in phase 3 - New Construction. Makes sense to me anyway 8)
Trouble is that Revit thinks everthing I start drawing is new construction and automatically assigns it to phase 3. So I've go to go back, select everthing I drew and change it to Phase 1 :cry:

So, my question is ... is there a way to pre-assign elements to a particular stage ? ( I have looked .... :roll: )
Then again, am I going about this the right way ?


2003-05-27, 09:37 AM
from what I see after taking a look at it, the only way to set it up the way you want it is to assign a phase (i.e. existing - I guess in your case) to the views you are working on before you draw the walls or other components that belong to that phase.
This will automatically assign the view's phase to the component you are adding to the project...
as there is no Phase property to the component properties that you can assign before you actually add the component...

It works for me though I never tried it in a production environment...

2003-05-27, 03:33 PM
You won't need a separate phase for demolition. Revit "understands" how to display the objects based on their phase property.

At first, I had a difficult time with phase filters (previous + new, previous + existing, etc.) but now I've got a handle on it.

To create objects in the existing construction phase, change the setting of the view in which you are modeling. The default setting assumes that newly created elements belong to "New Construction".


2003-05-27, 09:01 PM
Thanks guys,

I'll be giving the view settings a try today.

Soooo .... I only need 2 phases - 1 = Existing and 2 = New Construction ? hmmmm.


2003-05-27, 10:07 PM
Originally there were some quirks when it came to the demolition of existing doors and windows. Earlier versions left a hole when construction within an opening was demolished.

Currently, Revit will automatically infill the opening with material identical to the host wall. You can also now place new openings within or overlapping the boundaries of ones that have been demolished.

You'll create demolition plans by manipulating the phase filters of duplicate plan views.

Finally, I really enjoy knocking out objects with that little hammer cursor.


2003-05-28, 12:23 AM
Finally, I really enjoy knocking out objects with that little hammer cursor.


Yeah ! be good if we had sound effects also .... the rumble of a wall coming down. How about an animated graphic puff of smoke too ?

Ah... don't mind me - I get a bit of cabin fever working long hours on my projects. :oops:


2003-05-28, 02:59 AM
I've tried modifying the view properties to existing and everything else disappears in my project apart from the grid lines. Any ideas?


2003-05-28, 04:25 AM
Once you've got stuff in an existing phase and a new new phase you need to use the Phase filters too.

If you want to see new stuff with existing and no demo...set your view to New Construction then set the Filter to Show Previous phase and New.

If you just want to see existing then leave the view in New Construction and change your phase filter to Show Previous instead.

If you are trying to add some existing stuff after having added new, then change the phase to existing and then the filter to none or show all. You'll see the new stuff too, but the new stuff will be added to the existing phase.

This is why a phase paint brush would be very handy, draw some stuff and paint on the phase.

Assuming default phase settings are available

David Conant
2003-05-28, 01:27 PM
I was thinking about sound effects the other day while working with my son using Kid Pix (my favorite graphics app).
Trim: A screaming circular saw
Split: a handsaw
Graded Region: Clanking bulldozer treads
Delete: Flushing
Wall: Framing hammers pounding
Building Pad: Concrete mixer
add your own...

2003-05-28, 02:29 PM
Doesn't SimCity make noises like that when you build train tracks etc? I wouldn't know whether I was working or playing.

2003-05-28, 03:00 PM
Neither would your boss? Bad huh?

2003-05-28, 08:59 PM
I have two bosses, the bank manager and MrsJ. Neither are usually present when I am working.

2003-10-02, 03:45 AM
this thread has saved me some time already on this new project.

2 phases sounds good. Put the demo in the second "new works" phase.

The problem then remains that when doing a render, the existing still remains grey.

So, my question is.....is there a way to show the existing works in the renderings (and shaded views) as the material they actually are, rather than the phase setting?

2003-10-02, 03:58 AM
In View Properties, set your phase filter to " Show Previous & New "

If you phase filter settings for this are :-
New: By Category
Existing: By Category
Demolished: Not Displayed
Temporary: Not Displayed

You will see the "proposed" in glorious detail.

2003-10-02, 04:04 AM
egggggsellent thanks beegee 8)

how about a sound effect of Mr Burns saying "eggggsellent" when discovering something new with revit? 8)

Such understated yet joyful surprise at doing something new.

2003-10-02, 07:56 AM
I deal with this by introducing an 'as built' filter that reads as beegee's. That way I can keep the other filters for controlling views as I want them.

2003-10-02, 11:24 AM
demo hammer - breaking glass
door - creaking hinge

Exar Kun
2003-10-14, 08:00 AM
I have an issue with phasing (I think).

I have a new window going into an existing wall but the window shows in red in the shaded view which, according to the over rides tab is what temporary should look like. Everything else new shows in its by category colour but this one window.

Also, this window is located above the cut-plane - how do I get it to show up dashed in the floor plan. I don't want to move the plane higher.



Dean Camlin
2003-10-14, 01:58 PM
David Conant wrote:

Trim: A screaming circular saw
Split: a handsaw
Graded Region: Clanking bulldozer treads
Delete: Flushing
Wall: Framing hammers pounding
Building Pad: Concrete mixer

In the olden days, in the drafting room, we could always tell when someone was "pouring concrete" by the tapping sound of the pencil. So sound effects in drafting isn't such a new idea. A realistic CAD program should have it included.

2003-10-14, 10:05 PM
I have an issue with phasing (I think).

I have a new window going into an existing wall but the window shows in red in the shaded view which, according to the over rides tab is what temporary should look like. Everything else new shows in its by category colour but this one window.

Also, this window is located above the cut-plane - how do I get it to show up dashed in the floor plan. I don't want to move the plane higher.



Check that the window is created in the new phase and not demolished in some other phase. You could also set the phase filter to none for the 3D view.
For the overhead window, copy it to a new family and add an invisible line from the sill to below the cut plane. When reloaded, the cut plane will cut that line and the window will show. You can then adjust the linework to dashed with the linework tool.

2003-10-14, 10:13 PM

Would that method also cut the solid hatching of the wall ?

I have high level windows and have set the display to show the walls hatched in solid red (for presentation) but the high level windows don't cut the solid hatching.

2003-10-14, 10:48 PM
No, the hatching will still run through.

You will need to place a white solid fill over the window and use detail lines to show the window over the fill.

A transparent fill wont work because the hatch would show through that also.

2003-10-14, 11:16 PM
Another method to hide hatching:

Split the wall around the window. Duplicate and rename the wall type -"wall nohatch". Set the hatching to none for that wall. Assign that wall type to the wall under the window. Use the invisable line window family as before.

2003-10-15, 02:44 AM
In View Properties, set your phase filter to " Show Previous & New "

If you phase filter settings for this are :-
New: By Category
Existing: By Category
Demolished: Not Displayed
Temporary: Not Displayed

You will see the "proposed" in glorious detail.

Better yet, I call that phase "Show Complete." Don't call it "Show previous & New" IMHO because you want to differentiate between those two phases in some cases. For rendering, "Show complete." For a production drawing, you probably want "Show previous & New"

Exar Kun
2003-10-15, 02:54 AM
Check that the window is created in the new phase and not demolished in some other phase. You could also set the phase filter to none for the 3D view.
For the overhead window, copy it to a new family and add an invisible line from the sill to below the cut plane. When reloaded, the cut plane will cut that line and the window will show. You can then adjust the linework to dashed with the linework tool.

Thanks for your help :)