View Full Version : Render solution needed

Cathy Hadley
2004-04-02, 06:37 PM
I am looking for a solution to the age old problem... too many trees.

I just bought a new system, 2 gigs ram... nvidia ... blah blah blah...

I still can't render my site. I am sure now that it is totally due to the number or accurender trees. There is a small orchard ... and a large permieter of Eucalyptus trees..

Earlier someone suggested RPC trees... however I see no Eucalyptus ... Am I missing something? Does anyone know of any?

Its very important to show the trees in the rendering as we are trying to get the point across to the planning powers that be that we are well *nestled* ...

Any suggestions would be helpful...



2004-04-02, 07:49 PM
If you have access to photoshop or some other image editor, do 2 renderings, one with just the landscape, and one with the building(maybe a few trees around it for shadows, then merge the 2 images in photoshop.

2004-04-02, 08:01 PM

you can create your own RPC with RPC creator from Archivision.com, first render your Accurender Eucalyptus in Revit in a view side oriented, then save that image as jpg, edit it in your paintshop pro, crop it, create an alfa image of it and then use them with the rpc creator (free), it will be a flat rpc, you can make a 3d rpc (not movable) in accurender for autocad (single images render, 360 frames, circle path around the object), but not in accurender for revit, also in MAX, VIZ, Maya, etc, etc.

Please share afterwards.

2004-04-02, 11:20 PM
Can you use a background photo of the existing site to pick up the majority of trees, then just place some in the foreground ?

Cathy Hadley
2004-04-03, 05:12 PM
Thanks guys.. good sugestions all..

I was leaning toward the existing site photo method myself... but I want to look through the trees at the new residence... Sounds lke it time to get my photoshop guru involved..

Rob - Thanks I'll see what I can do with that RPC creator. And keep you posted.