View Full Version : Shift + Right click does not bring up OSnap menu

Ken Cover
2006-01-20, 02:19 PM
I have a coworker that cannot get his [Shift][Right-click] (Osnap) menu to come up.
I cannot find how to turn it on.

Glenn Pope
2006-01-20, 05:32 PM
Do you have your Acad.CUI set as something else then your main CUI? Even though its best practic to have the Acad.cui as the enterprise CUI or a partial to the enterprise CUI. There is a bug with it. So you wouldn't be able to use Shift Right click. There are some work around. Take $P0=ACAD.SNAP $P0=* and add it to a command in the CUI. Then in the keyboard shortcuts add that command to be activated by using something like Ctrl+Alt+D. If you have a mouse with several buttons you can assign one to input that keystrokes using the mouse drivers.

2006-12-06, 01:34 PM
Are you saying that in order for custom shortcut menus to work, they must reside in the ACAD.cui file, and this file must be loaded as the main cui?

2006-12-06, 03:18 PM
in your CUI interface, the mouse button options have a section (see image) and you can change what they do there. not sure if that will help at all, but its a thought.

2006-12-07, 05:06 AM
Are you saying that in order for custom shortcut menus to work, they must reside in the ACAD.cui file, and this file must be loaded as the main cui?Hi

If I was awake and paying attention during Bob Bell's AU 2006 class "Organization of the CUI", the load order of CUI files is as follows...

* Enterprise
* Enterprise Partials
* Main
* Main Partials

Menus, mouse buttons, etc work on the bases of the first instance loaded, will be the definition used.

Have a good one, Mike

2006-12-07, 01:45 PM

If I was awake and paying attention during Bob Bell's AU 2006 class "Organization of the CUI", the load order of CUI files is as follows...

* Enterprise
* Enterprise Partials
* Main
* Main Partials

Menus, mouse buttons, etc work on the bases of the first instance loaded, will be the definition used.

Have a good one, Mikeoh, and to avoid problems, make all your shortcut menus (r.click menus) reside in the first *.cui loaded, and don't have them in any other menus. there's a conflict 'bug' (?) if you have more than one.

(i WAS awake during that class!) ;)