View Full Version : Anyone had any issues using mviewblocks in Dynamic blocks?

2006-01-20, 09:10 PM
Anyone had any issues using mviewblocks in Dynamic blocks? I know that mviewblocks are used in ADT but I thought I would put this question in the Dynamic block area.

I used one - a chair - at the end of a conference table and I could not get it to stretch with the table. I used a copy of the same block on the side of the table and got the array action to work on that one.


2006-01-21, 05:09 AM
Donnia, just so you don't feel ignored, i would love to try and help you out, but alas! I don't run or know anything about DB in ADT. I sure hope someone out there will.... ~crossing fingers!~

2006-01-23, 07:39 PM
Yeah, I'm not on ADT either (*stands with rags for clothes and hands out asking for money*), but I don't think they'd act much differently than they do on AutoCAD (if at all). Just make sure that the chair you want to move has a parameter and action associated and that they have the proper distance multiplier to go along with it.