View Full Version : Phase alignment

2004-04-05, 06:36 PM
Don't know if anyone copies & pastes room separation lines between projects, but I find that if I copy 6.x room separation lines into a project created before 6.0, that in order to get the room tag to "see" the lines, I have to select the pasted separation lines & then toggle them from their present phase to a previous phase, & then back to their present phase.

Then they behave correctly.

2004-04-05, 09:18 PM
Pasting into previous versions shouldn't be allowed. Are you sure you weren't going from 6.0 to 6.x?

2004-04-05, 09:36 PM
I guess what I mean to say is that the project was started with the earlier versions, upgraded as new versions came out, up through 6.1.

What I've got is a 2d campus map, that a few years ago, I parceled up, using room separation lines picked over an imported acad site plan. I then added a custon room # tag (#only), to each parcel, and am now able to schedule the stuff out, so we now know how big each parcel is, how many sq ft of lawn we have, etc.

It works great. The only drawback is now that I'm up to ~850 parcels, performance is sluggish.

The work-around I use is to run another project with just the same imported acad dwg, use the pick option to (the new tab feature to select the whole polyline is a godsend) add the room seps I need, & then cut & paste them into the original project.

I noticed this particular glitch when modifying an area of the campus where new construction is taking place. The project I'm creating these room sep lines in is a new 6.1 project template.

PS: After the better site tools came out, I tried the same process by splitting up a 2d planer topo surface, but imho, I still think the room separation method is faster.