View Full Version : Custom Door Tag Definition

2006-01-24, 12:25 AM
I just added a definition to a custom door style. It was a manual property definition and it's name was DoorIdentifier (DoorStyle:DoorIdentifier).

I've also edited a multiview block by adding an attribute Called "DoorStyle:DoorIdentifier"

The ideas is that when I insert this custom multiview door tag I'll have an option to add in a door identifier as letters: i.e: A, B, C. This is for the situation where a space has multiple doors. I'll name the doors after the room number with a letter modifier.

I've inserted the new multiview block and the new definition lists and can be edited in the properties window but the letter doesn't show up in the drawing.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?

Maybe there is a definition that exists that would make this process easier???


2006-01-24, 12:31 PM
What you are trying to do sounds similar to the out-of-the-box tag. Can you post a ZIP file that contains a drawing file with a few sample doors with your tags that exhibits your problem?

2006-03-08, 10:53 PM
Hi? I'm new to revit and haveing some trouble figuring out how to make the door tag be the same number as the room, ie 101A, 101B how do you do this?

2006-03-09, 12:07 AM
Hi? I'm new to revit and haveing some trouble figuring out how to make the door tag be the same number as the room, ie 101A, 101B how do you do this?Are you new to Revit or ADT.
In ADT you must create a space first to difine the room. Then you need to label the room. Then your door tag should reference the room name/number. I think it's about the the same in Revit as well. Hope this helps

2006-03-09, 03:45 PM
Hi? I'm new to revit and haveing some trouble figuring out how to make the door tag be the same number as the room, ie 101A, 101B how do you do this?If you are actually rreferring to Revit this post ought to be split from this thread and placed in the Revit forums. If so...I can do that, just let us know.

Regarding rooms and numbering doors. Revit does not assume that doors should inherit room numbers. The numbering of doors can be adjusted in either a schedule, or other views via tags or, selecting the door and choosing properties. Door schedules can display the from and to information regarding the rooms they abut which can make it much easier to tell which number they ought to have.

It remains a wishlist item for firms that structure their doors and scheduling around this approach. Fwiw, I thought this was the "only" way myself for a number of years but have recently encountered firms that don't for various reasons and it changed my perception about this a bit. Regardless, I think it would be nice to have the option.