View Full Version : Decal size limitations?

2006-01-25, 03:47 AM
So last week i asked about using a raster image as a ground, like an aerial map, and i know this has been covered before... Ive been inserting rasters on the first floor, to line and size everything up, then drawing an actual *floor* around the image, and placing the decal on top of it.

Well, im rendering a very large complex were doing, and i discovered that itll only let me stretch the decal so far, then it snaps back. Ive tried it every which way.

Any way around this? We HAVE this model rendered, but theres a chance it was done in Max...

2006-01-25, 04:24 AM
not sure, seems like I remember 400%. but you can do multiple 400% (I think).

2006-01-25, 04:50 AM
break the image up in photoshop and place it as multiple decals.

2006-01-25, 05:30 AM
break the image up in photoshop and place it as multiple decals.

Got ya. I was just hoping there was an easier way. I guess i could resize it in photoshop too, depending on the resolution...

Its weird tho, it didnt mind the original raster being resized that much...

2006-01-25, 06:31 AM
Decals run into the same limitation as any linear dimension in Revit - the maximum input dimension is 914.4 m ( 3,000 ft ) , due to internal memory requirements for tesselating curved elements and cross hatching.

An element such as a floor , roof or ceiling can be stretched to a larger size though. A decal cannot.