View Full Version : Area plan in design option

2006-01-25, 10:49 AM
I am using desgin option.And i am unable to figure out how to create different area plan for same plan but different option .for example i have first floor plan with different entrance area,porch,living area for which i have used design option.But i am unable to create area plan for different option. i tried using visibility graphics but dint help.
Any methods to create this?


2006-01-25, 11:50 AM
The only thing you can do, is create, under area settings/area scemes an new area with the title of the options you have.
Then create the area plan, based on the area scheme, of the floor you are trying to do.

You can't have i.e. 2 different area plans for Rentable for first floor...but you can have as many duplicates of the first floor for each area scheme.

Hope this helps.

Once you have done this, just set the view visibility to the correct option for each area scheme. draw your area boundarys and add the tags, and you will have multiple first floor plans with the various area schemes which will show the various options.

You can let me know if you still need clarifications...


2006-01-30, 08:42 PM
This might be redundant, but what I do is create a new area scheme for each option. I then draw a new area plan for each option, and then a new area tabulation schedule for each option. You can then display them at will, just like any other schedule in the project...

Hope that clears it up!