View Full Version : Attaching a wall at floor core boundary

2006-01-25, 10:35 PM
Can anyone tell me why the attached image I cannot seem to attach a wall to the plywood layer, the core boundary of the floor is set to the plywood. It seems to be attaching to the structure layer.

2006-01-25, 11:37 PM
The wall will finish at the floor datum level unless you set a base offset or drag its end in a section view, to meet the plywood layer.

Then use join geometry and you will see both top floor layers then cut back so that the wall structure joins the floor structure ( both priority 1 ). To fix this, set the plywood layer to structure - P1 and the plywood will extend through.

2006-01-26, 05:19 AM
thanks much my friend, I appreciate it, I feel kinda stupid for not having taken the time to understand the layer priorities, always under the gun to get work out. thanks again

2006-01-26, 02:25 PM
This is one of the things they need to change in some of the antique stock families in the default template. The floor has the plywood set as substrate, which is incorrect for platform framing as the plywood is support for the wall above. I would always use this to illustrate Revits application of layers when I was training, but I doubt that is why they set it up that way....