View Full Version : Room Tags see Rooms on the Next Lower Level

2006-01-26, 12:48 PM
There are a few rooms in my floor plan that when I try to place a room tag the room boundaries that highlight are for the walls that are down one floor. Why is it doing this?

I have gone into area settings and set the area definition level equal to my cut plane, I have also drawn room separation lines but it does not make a difference.

This problem does not happen in all of the rooms only in about 4 rooms of the 40 on the level.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

We are trying to publish drawings tomorrow afternoon.

2006-01-26, 01:22 PM
Switch your underlay in view propeties to none and it won't pick up the wall's on the floor below.

2006-01-26, 02:47 PM
My underlay was already set on none.

The work-around I used was to draw a box of room separation lines inside the room and place a room tag in this small area. I then select the room separation lines individually and nudge then towards the wall when the room tag suddenly jumps to a much larger area I nudge the line away from the wall. The room area reported is a little smaller than actual but I can actually get a value.

2006-01-26, 02:52 PM
Most likely there are room-bounding elements not visible in your view. Please go to Room Tag tool and hit 'Show bounding elems' button in option bar.
Message will be posted with ids of room-bounding elements not visible in your view.
If this does not help, please post simplified model here or send it to Support for investigation.

2006-01-27, 05:14 PM
Here is a zip file of the problem project. Look at rooms 114L & 112M.

My work around is no longer working when I get the room separation line about 4' from the wall it says it is a redundant room.

When I select show room bounding elements it identifies walls on the lower level that do not extend to this floor.

Thank you for the help.