View Full Version : Super Noob Wall Question

2006-01-27, 04:36 PM
This is a ridiculously easy question but i just can't seem to get it to work. Here's the problem,(I'm almost embarassed to ask.)

I have a simple generic wall the stands 3'-0" high. I want to view this wall in plan showing a cut at 1'-6" so I can see what the wall is made of. What are the proper view range settings? I tried a dozen different combinations and nothing worked, i keep seeing the top of the wall and not a cut at 1'-6".

Please help me before a jump of a roof, =(.

2006-01-27, 04:53 PM
Check out plan regions...


2006-01-27, 05:06 PM
Tried it, still doesn't work. The wall is 3'-0" high. I set my view range setting as follow:

Top Clip Plane : 4'-0"
Cut Plane: 2'-0"
Bottom Clip Plane: 0'-0"
View Depth: 0'-0"

With these setting it should cut the 3'-0" high wall at 2'-0" above the level, but it doesn't. It just shows the wall in plan as being viewed from above.

Same thing with Plane Regions.

2006-01-27, 06:13 PM
It looks like all of your view settings are correct to see a 3'-0" high wall cut at 2'-0" above the associated level. Check your wall settings to make sure it is in fact set with a 0'-0" offset from the level and its unconnected height is 3'-0". Or, draw a full height wall from the associated level to the next level to make sure you see it correctly. If so, change its properties to unconnected and a 3'-0" height. That's my 2 cents (if that doesn't work I would definitely jump)

2006-01-27, 06:17 PM
Hmm...I think the problem is that it is too low to be cut...there is a "flaw" if I may say, where something cut below a certain height (I think 4', I can't remember) will not show properly cut.

Can somebody back me up with this?


2006-01-27, 06:20 PM
If you are able to make the wall full height (above 4') and then cause the height of the wall to automatically be 3' (i.e. changing the profile of the wall, or attached to roof {which won't help you in this situation, but maybe in another}, etc.)
I believe that when you cut it at 1'6", it will show properly....
(I am going with my gut on this...I didn't verify it, but kinda remember this solution)


Clyne Curtis
2006-01-27, 06:45 PM
Are your detail settings set higher than coarse?


2006-01-27, 06:58 PM
That was the first thing a checked when I encountered the problem, they're on "fine" and the problem is still there.

2006-01-27, 07:09 PM
Well I extended this wall to the level above and then used a negative offset to bring the wall back down to a physical height of 3'-0".

Then it worked.

This is my "wish list" item for the day. I hope it gets fixed. Thanks for the help guys.=)

2006-01-27, 07:28 PM
Assigning the wall to the level above and using the negative offset is THE way to do this. By design short walls below the cut-plane will always show as projection. You get around this by "fooling" Revit as you have done.

2006-01-27, 10:08 PM

Check that you do not have your base of wall offset set to be 3'-0" and that you do have your unconnected wall height set to 3'-0".

Check that you are in a plan view, not a ceiling view.

Check a 3d view. Is the wall there and as you planned it?

Also, are you using phases in any of the views?

Use these settings (see image) should work fine.