View Full Version : Tag Leaders

Allen Lacy
2003-05-27, 04:10 PM
What controls where a tag leader points? I am doing an equipment plan for a Haagen-Dazs and sometimes the tag leader touches "its" object and sometimes not. :?

2003-05-28, 08:13 PM
What happens is Revit places a bounding box around the component. The bounding box is the smallest rectangle that can contain all the geometry of the component and is orthagonal to the view. I think this second part is causing you the most grief. The leader itself snaps to the midpoints of the four sides of the bounding box.

Allen Lacy
2003-05-28, 08:58 PM
Thanks. Does the geometry rectangle include reference planes used in making the geometry?

Scott D Davis
2003-05-28, 09:27 PM
AFAIK, it includes ANY object including ref planes used in creating the object. What I think we need is a new object type, called "Bounding Box", then we could draw it in or modify the exisitng to make the snap points more predictacble.