View Full Version : problem with void cuts

2006-01-31, 04:59 PM
I have a parapet wall, on which I need to place overflow drainage scuppers. No problem there, I created a wall-based generic model family with an opening cut for the scupper. That works fine.

The problem is that on my wall around the top, I also have metal fascia trim panels, which I had created as a generic model family, non-hosted. So I place the scupper in the parapet wall, and then the metal panels, but the opening cut in the scupper family doesn't cut the metal panel family. I tried doing an in-place void cut, but it won't let me pick the metal panels when I try to use the Cut Geometry tool. Any ideas? What if the metal panels were wall hosted, would that help?

Max Lloyd
2006-01-31, 05:01 PM
just do a separate void to cut it thats not in the scupper family?

2006-01-31, 05:03 PM
Yes, I tried doing an in-place void, but when I use the Cut Geometry tool, it won't let me pick the metal panels to cut them.

Max Lloyd
2006-01-31, 05:05 PM
can you post it? (just extract out the bit thats relevant)

2006-02-02, 02:55 PM
Okay here's a sample of the wall, metal panels, and scuppers. As you can see the scupper cuts the wall just fine. However if I place it up where the metal panels are (I have pulled down the outer layer of the wall below the metal panels) you can see that it does not cut the panels. Even if I try to do an in-place void cut, it will not let me use the Cut Geometry tool on the panels.