View Full Version : DWG Export - Roof Planes

Gene Herring
2006-01-31, 06:55 PM
Question for the knowledge base. Does Revit by default export roofs to .dwg as single planar face objects? I am having a whale of a time in Max mapping a bitmap. Tried all combinations of UVW settings with same result. Renders with proper orientation in Revit/Accurender but changes in Max. Any suggestions appreciated.

(included small test image to illustrate)

2006-01-31, 09:33 PM
Question for the knowledge base. Does Revit by default export roofs to .dwg as single planar face objects? I am having a whale of a time in Max mapping a bitmap. Tried all combinations of UVW settings with same result. Renders with proper orientation in Revit/Accurender but changes in Max. Any suggestions appreciated.

(included small test image to illustrate)Apply a world map scaler or you could use UVW mapping at the subobject face level.