View Full Version : Drawing release schedule?

David J Krope
2006-02-01, 11:37 PM
I would like to have on my titleblocks a parametric drawing release or drawing use schedule. It would have something like this

RELEASE .............................. DATE
DD release to client #1.......... xx/xx/2006
DD release to client #2.......... xx/xx/2006
CD review to client #1 ..........xx/xx/2006
Bidding release...................... xxx/2006
Permitting release ................. xx/xx/2006
CD's for Construction ............xx/xx/2006

It would reside on the titleblock and be modified from the drawing like the revision schedule but without the use of the revision symbol.

I know I can just make the notes on the titleblock and make a new titleblock for each release but I was wondering if anyone else is doing this and how they did it. Searched but could not find. Thanks in advance.

2006-02-02, 12:00 AM
Take a look at shared parameters, you will get everything you need

David J Krope
2006-02-06, 10:34 PM
Thanks David, I try to avoid shared parameters but I might as well get in there.

2006-02-07, 12:53 AM

Parameters are not bad. Use the Project box for all values to change through out the project on all sheets, use the titleblock category of parameters to modify sheet by sheet. See LRaiz's comments HERE (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=26118&page=3&pp=10&highlight=parameters)or search on parameters and LRaiz.

2006-02-07, 01:06 AM

I am using the revision schedule in the title block to accomplish this. It isn't pretty but it works. I added the revision schedule with fields in the proper order and sort order (by date) to the title block. Since the issue is placed on the description, it displays as you would issue. Since you can copy the revision cloud, I just place one and copy to all sheets with the proper revsion seq and it appears on all sheets. Then all you need to do, it turn off the visibility of the revision clouds on each sheet. Then for actual revisions, I use a revsion delta that is a symbol not a tag this way I can leave the revision delta on for the previous revisions while still be able to turn off the clouds for the last revision.


2006-02-07, 02:23 PM
Sometimes I take the easy way out on things like this.

I just open the titleblock family - place some text - and reload.

It's a low tech solution that is quick and easy. It also prevents accidental editing of the dates for other users.