View Full Version : Fatal Error with editing wall profile...

2006-02-02, 03:39 PM
Okay, i cant seem to get around this, so ill post it...

I have a wall that is ten ft long, but only the first 2 ft of it are full ht (14'). The other 8 ft are only from 10' and up to 14'. At both ends it connects to other walls.

This is playing holy hell with Revit 8.1, and i dont know why. Weve done this many many times. But every time i try to edit the profile, or run the wall in to the adjoining wall, i get a fatal error, saying that revit has to close and i can save as and continue after.


2006-02-02, 06:15 PM
Sometimes elements just get screwed up in revit and if you can delete it, just delete it and recreate it.

2006-02-02, 07:49 PM
Sometimes elements just get screwed up in revit and if you can delete it, just delete it and recreate it.

I have, several times. Its doing it to all of the new ones too. Were making small design changes, and its to the point that ive had to recreate the same walls 4 or 5 times now, because it keeps doing it. I tried making it 2 separate walls (the small piece and the high piece), but the joint doesnt behave very nicely...

2006-02-02, 08:13 PM
It may be a graphics issue then. do you have hardware accelleration turned on, if so turn it off.

2006-02-02, 09:17 PM
I dont know if the hardware accel is on, but if it was a graphics issue, why would it ONLY be happening when i try to join walls in this fashion? And its happening on multiple computers, ive tried it on three thus far...

2006-02-02, 10:23 PM
Because it is having trouble drawing the condition. I'm not sure, but I've had the same type of crash where I move my cursor over certain elements and when revit tries to highlight it revit crashes. turning off hardware accelleration, eleminates the problem.

2006-02-02, 10:32 PM
I see what youre saying. Id be inclined to think that may be it, except the condition exists many times throughout the building, and it doesnt have an issue with any of them, most of the time. Every now and then i can get Revit to model it, and its fine, as long as i dont touch it again, lol...

2006-02-05, 04:29 PM
Please contact Revit support with your file.


2006-02-05, 07:01 PM
definately send it in, but I'd be very curious to know if you tried turning off your hardware accelleration and still had the issue.