View Full Version : Civil 3D Usage?

2006-02-03, 03:41 PM
We are planning to roll out Civil 3D and I would like to know the usage of the companies that have Civil 3D.


2006-02-04, 05:00 PM
I use 3D for my preliminary layouts and profiles. Once I have that much built, I port it oveer to LDT and do my design and drafting work there. It allows me to create several "What If" scenarios quickly to check different implications. It is NOT quite ready for Prime Time, but is gettiing there. Another four or five releases and it should be good to go for full time production work. This is just my humble opinion.

2006-02-06, 02:27 AM
I have been designing only small subdivisions in the final phases of larger developments and am currently using Civil 3D for nearly all of my production work, only reverting back (very reluctantly) to LDT to address changes in drawings created in it. The only functions I don't work with at all are those in parceling. I should note, however, I am still using grading only in a very limited capacity using only functions I know work as expected and most of the major hydrology design was completed in earlier phases of the projects.

2006-02-06, 11:46 AM
We are currently setting up the Styles and Parts lists, before roll-out to the Department.

2006-02-06, 07:16 PM
I've used Civil 3D to design Detention Ponds, Earth Berms, Sanitary Sewer Lines.
I haven't mastered the styles yet, but I'm coming around, It's just a different way of putting things together.
I've used LDD (LDT) for a year and 3D for the last 10 months.

2006-02-06, 07:38 PM
I've used Civil 3D for multiple large diameter pipeline projects. I've also done a couple simple grading projects. Styles can be confusing, but when you get the hang of it, it's great. When you can get creative with the label styles, for instance I've taken our standard detail callout for something that occurs say every 1000', using the "Major Station" label with the interval of 1000'. This puts it in at the correct spot on the alignment (no matter how the alignment changes) and with the label being set up to "view" instead of UCS, it is already correct in all the drawings, regardless of each drawing having a different UCS.

2006-02-15, 10:49 AM
Upgraded to Civil 3D 2006 which is installed so all users (which are not that great at using CAD) can get the hang of 2006 while I'm sorting out all of our styles. As I work at a local government authority in Australia, setting up the styles to suit our preferred way of doing things became more problematic than first anticipated, due to differences with the US market. Our template file should be ready within the next month (or so) for rollout to all.

Looking back, I would of preferred to wait until Civil 3D was more geared to the international market & by then many bugs would of been sorted out before going down the Civil 3D path.


2006-02-17, 02:22 PM
I've used Civil 3D to design Detention Ponds, Earth Berms, Sanitary Sewer Lines.
I haven't mastered the styles yet, but I'm coming around, It's just a different way of putting things together.
I've used LDD (LDT) for a year and 3D for the last 10 months.

We are about the same at our company. Yes it is taking some time and frustration, but the rewards are outstanding! Adjust a profile the old way and relabel it, compared to the new way with C3D and watch it spit out the new labels automatically, YEEHAW!!

I've found that patience and perseverance are a must - don't give up!

2006-02-20, 05:30 PM
Thanks to everyone who voted. This should help us out.

2006-02-22, 12:35 AM
I'm learning it now. I plan on having it mastered within a year or less. So far I am getting along with it, even with the bugs and whatnot. Soon it shall be my ragdoll and I will sling it any which way I choose. :D