View Full Version : Sweep Profile plane and Orient by plane

2006-02-03, 06:00 PM
My first question and frustration is the Orient by plane option under View. Of course, it always orients me on the side of the plane I don't care about :banghead: Is there a way to flip the view 180 degrees once set? How can I control which side of the plane the view gets oriented to?

The second question is regarding sweeps. Take a look at the image below. I know what profile I want (drew it on the left wall....dashed line), but since my sweep path is curved, the plane is not oriented where i want it. Can this be moved? If not, I could orient to the profile plane, but it's putting me on the site I don't want.

Thanks for your help!

2006-02-03, 06:07 PM
The view will always go to the front of the plane. Draw the curve the other direction and the plane will face the other way. (Lines and ref. planes do have a start/end point...)

The profile plane can be moved along the path. It will snap to the endpoints and midpoints of your linework. Just pick it and move it. However this needs to be done before placing a profile. Once the profile is placed - the plane is locked. If you need the sketch plan at a specific spot, just split the line at the point you want. It will then snap to that endpoint when you drag it into place.

2006-02-03, 08:00 PM
Cool, I was able to do that. It would be nice to be able to flip a view by 180 degrees though. Maybe a small wishlist item but useful in some cases.