View Full Version : Autodesk University 2004 Call for Speakers.

2004-04-11, 05:43 AM
Crosspost from Autodesk-Revit ng.

I wanted to pass this on as an FYI to anyone who'd be interested in teaching
a class at Autodesk University this year. The dates for AU run from Nov 30,
2004 - Dec 3, 2004 and will be held at MGM GRAND HOTEL & CONFERENCE CENTER

The deadline for course submittal is April 16th, 2004 (next Friday). Courses
can be submitted at the following URL:

Looking forward to seeing you all at AU!


Kelcey Lemon

BSD Technical Marketing Manager, Architecture

2004-04-12, 02:14 AM
I'm sure any number of us would be happy to write a course outline entitled "The Future of Architectural Desktop" and show them Revit, enlightening them to the new features and how they came from Revit, show them how Revit is FAR superior to ADT, and show them how they can increase their productivity and profitability far beyond what they can do with ADT. We'd just have to make sure we handed out bibs (for the ADT users), scanned everyone coming in with a metal detector (for irate CAD Managers once they find out this isn't an ADT class), and had an Autodesk sales Rep available to take orders when the class was over (in case there were any Firm Owners or Firm Principles there). :wink:

2004-04-12, 09:44 PM
I'm sure any number of us would be happy to write a course outline entitled "The Future of Architectural Desktop" and show them Revit, enlightening them to the new features and how they came from Revit, show them how Revit is FAR superior to ADT, and show them how they can increase their productivity and profitability far beyond what they can do with ADT. We'd just have to make sure we handed out bibs (for the ADT users), scanned everyone coming in with a metal detector (for irate CAD Managers once they find out this isn't an ADT class), and had an Autodesk sales Rep available to take orders when the class was over (in case there were any Firm Owners or Firm Principles there). :wink:

Excellent idea mlgatzke. My customers are so much happier with Revit than with ADT. This really is the future.

2004-04-15, 09:56 PM
Hey! I just submitted my proposals for this year's AU. Deadline's tomorrow. Just wanted to give anyone who's thinking of submitting one the heads-up that they are looking for a 100-word (or less) bio about you & a 50-word (or less) discription of the seminar you want to teach.

I know that I had written up actual discriptions of the seminars I want to do, and when I hit the submittal site I had to do some very quick editing to get them down to 50 words. So watch out, and if you've been putting it off thinking you had to have something fully written out to present (like I did) then you've got nothing to stop you now. ;)

50 ain't much at all, it's hard to boil it down to that point!

2004-04-15, 10:05 PM
So what are your proposed topics?

2004-04-15, 10:52 PM
Here's my four:

1. From Gaudi to Gehry: Modeling complex curving Buildings, Structures, and Elements in Autodesk Revit. (basically a class on making curvy organic building/walls/roofs/stuff and complex families & stairs/ramps/stuff and then turning that into Construction Documents)

2. Using Autodesk Revit and Building Information Modeling for Facilities and Leasing Management. (Area stuff, custom annotation fams, shared parameters, and exporting stuff to Excel)

3. Rendering, Presentation Graphics, and Revit: an overview of creating stunning images within Revit and using Revit with other graphics packages. (how to get great stuff out of Accurender, exporting models to Viz/Max/Radiance/whatever, exporting views to Photoshop/Illistrator/whatever...)

4. Revit & Autocad Working Together. (All about using Revit in a 'mixed environment, taking data from one into the other, making Revit fams out of old Autocad stuff, how to leverage your non-Revit workforce to help your Revit projects...)

2004-04-16, 04:02 AM
I threw my hat in the ring too...here's my three suggestions: If any get selected I'd love to hear suggestions from folks about what would make it worth their nickel to attend one.

Got ODBC? Harness Autodesk Revit data with Microsoft Access (90 minute lecture)

You know this is possible, but how do you actually do it? This session will help you understand how easily you can connect these two applications. A practical demonstration of creating queries and reports will help you see how you can add value to your process. No, you don’t have to be a database expert or information technology guru to find something useful here! You’ll want to run out and export some data quick!

Autodesk Revit – A Stairway to Heaven (90 minute lecture)

Stairs, Ramps and Railings…let’s walk up a grand stair together. During this session we’ll explore the many choices you have in this robust feature of Revit. You will leave feeling confident, ready to tackle your next stair, ramp or railing.

I’m starting a family, an Autodesk Revit family that is... (90 minute lecture)

Families are very powerful, but when they are poorly conceived and created they can really disappoint. We will examine what makes a great family and how to get yours to work like them. Practical examples will help you start your next family with confidence.

Scott D Davis
2004-04-16, 04:15 AM
Dang! You beat me to the Stair class! Ok, if you get it, I'm gonna heckle from the back of the room!

2004-04-16, 04:36 AM
We can do it together...the "S&SSS" or aka the "Scott & Steve Stair Show"! We can only hope to do it as well as Jim and Chris did their tag team class last year! (and beg Phil Read to use a wireless "in ear" head set system to broadcast all the answers to us so WE look REALLY smart)

Scott D Davis
2004-04-16, 04:44 AM
Can we fire up ArchiCAD and compare it to StairMaker?

I like the sound of "Scott & Steve Stair Show"! At least you gave me top billing! Be glad to assist if you get it! :D

Scott D Davis
2004-04-16, 05:01 AM
Here's my submittals: (both 90 minute lectures)

Oooo! Ahhhhh! Revit Tips and Tricks

Get the most out of Autodesk Revit 6.1. This course will explore many of the tools and features that will save you time and make you more productive in Revit. We will cover everything from using the TAB key to implementing formulas in data input.

Revit does Construction Documents?

I'm sure you've heard it before: Revit cannot produce construction documents. In this course, we will set the record straight. We will show how well Revit handles the production of construction documents, and show how the parametric change engine assures a fully coordinated set of drawings.

2004-04-16, 05:08 AM
At least you gave me top billing!

Strictly alphabetical man... :wink: