View Full Version : Remember to File Revit Support Requests

2006-02-03, 11:55 PM
Please let this post serve as a gentle reminder and encouragment to contact Revit Support when we encounter problems.

I'm not suggesting that we need to contact them for every issue we have. Why? This forum is great for peer to peer support. As a group we are quick with responses and usually right on target. For quick emotional and technical support we are second to none.

What about the occasional more serious issues we face from time to time? What about features that we believe just don't work as well as they could or should? Contact Revit Support!

We are very fortunate that the folks who make Revit real are as passionate about making the product work for us as we are about using it at work. We are also fortunate that many of the people who do make Revit real also visit here quite a bit. We do need to remember that our forum is not part of Autodesk and our posts do not automatically become part of the database of issues and desires that they keep as part of doing their work. (We'd like to bridge that gap)

Please remember, if we encounter issues with Revit that stop us in our tracks or make Revit stop in its tracks, please contact Revit support so they can identify the problem, track it and FIX it.

So let's all do our part and help make Revit even better!

Scott D Davis
2006-08-08, 09:41 PM
In Revit, go to Help>Create Support Request

This can be for a crash, a useability issue, a request for functionality, a "how do you do that?", etc. It's truely for "Support" and the Revit guys are there to "Support" you, whatever you may need.

Steven Campbell
2006-08-09, 05:11 PM
Support will want multiple issues and requests as separate requests. This way the issues can be tracked separately through the system. If you try to stack a request in with an issue the request might get lost when the issue is closed. Also the issue and the request maybe going to different people involved. I am sure they try to separate them when they can but the best practice is to make separate ones.
