View Full Version : Viewing muiltiple xref files through one view

2006-02-05, 02:20 PM
How to display multiple Xref files through a single view in a sheet, I tried to attach them by the xref maneger but still didn't appear although all the layers are on and not frozen,
I will appreciate your help very much, it will solve a lot of problems i face for the moment,


2006-02-05, 07:06 PM

Have a got the following correct...

* You use Xref Manager to attach a group of Xrefs to a Master file.
* No Xref Objects appear in the Master file.
* Layers from the Xrefs appear in the Master file.

If no, please explain some more.

If yes, what space are the Xref Objects in - Modelspace or Paperspace ( Layout ) ? Only Modelspace Objects come in via Xref.

Have a good one, Mike

2006-02-05, 10:45 PM
How to display multiple Xref files through a single view in a sheet, I tried to attach them by the xref maneger but still didn't appear although all the layers are on and not frozen,
I will appreciate your help very much, it will solve a lot of problems i face for the moment,


Are you attaching multiple drawings to a single drawing, or are you attaching a single drawing to a single drawing, then attaching that one to another one, and so on?

If the latter, make sure you are using Attach and not Overlay.

If the former, please outline the exact steps you are doing and possibly post the drawings for us.

2006-02-06, 09:07 AM

Thank you all for your answers, i really appreciate it, but I think that there is a little misunderstanding, here is what happened:

- For the plan drawing, I had two files that had been drawn on the model space, the data file and the annotation file, the final sheet of the plan must have bothe of them.
- Then I created a view in the model space of the data file.
- In the sheet set manager I draged the mentioned view into a new sheet, but it only display the data file.
- So I attached the annotation file of the plan in the same sheet in the model space but it still doesn't display it in the view on the paper space.

So my question is how to attach that file in order to display it in the view?
Thanks again for your consideration

2006-02-06, 09:46 AM
- For the plan drawing, I had two files that had been drawn on the model space, the data file and the annotation file, the final sheet of the plan must have bothe of them.
- Then I created a view in the model space of the data file.
- In the sheet set manager I draged the mentioned view into a new sheet, but it only display the data file.
- So I attached the annotation file of the plan in the same sheet in the model space but it still doesn't display it in the view on the paper space.

So my question is how to attach that file in order to display it in the view?Hi

Have you tried Xrefing ( Attached ) the "Annotation file" into the "Data File" ?

Have a good one, Mike

2006-02-06, 01:13 PM
Thank you all for your answers, i really appreciate it, but I think that there is a little misunderstanding, here is what happened:

- For the plan drawing, I had two files that had been drawn on the model space, the data file and the annotation file, the final sheet of the plan must have bothe of them.

So is the data file and the annotation file xrefed into the "plan drawing"?

- So I attached the annotation file of the plan in the same sheet in the model space but it still doesn't display it in the view on the paper space.

I don't understand that sentence.

Maybe if you corrected the attached sketch so we can understand the relationship between the drawings


2006-02-06, 01:15 PM
Hi Mike,
I think I will face a problem y doing so, the thing is, maybe I will use the same data file with diffrent annotation files (maybe different scale)

2006-02-06, 01:34 PM
I think I will face a problem y doing so, the thing is, maybe I will use the same data file with diffrent annotation files (maybe different scale)Hi

Would the method outlined in R.K. McSwain sketch, attached to his above post meet your requirements...

Have a good one, Mike

2006-02-06, 01:36 PM
I'll try to elaborate:
In the instance I'm talking about, I have a plotsheet where I need to display data from three separate drawing files that combine to give me an architectural plan, the first being an element file containing all "real world" data, the second an annotation file containing callouts, dimensions, tags, etc.., & the third a structural grid file.
I created the view in the element file. I don't want to Xref the second & third files as "attached" in the element file: I have separate annotation files for each scale, & I don't want to Xref them all on the element file. I want to avoid using nested xrefs.
I hope this diagram will make things clear.

Glenn Pope
2006-02-06, 11:23 PM
Open the viewport and go into the Layer Manger. Go to the layers for that xref and check to make sure that the layers are not frozen in the viewport. This option will be over to the right and you may have to scroll over to see it. When making the views there is an option that to save the layerstate with the view. This is what causes this. If you don't want this saved, uncheck this when you create the view. Then you shouldn't have this problem when attaching xrefs.

2006-02-07, 08:34 AM
Hi Glenn,
It works, thank you very much, you don't know how much problems you solve to me, thank you all, you have been very helpfull to me,
