View Full Version : Keynote Question

2006-02-06, 09:14 PM
How do I create KEYNOTES so that the keynote summary shows consecutive numbers?

When I create a new note, then the “number” is the same as the previously created note.

Is the “description” the actual text note?

2006-02-06, 09:38 PM
The number displayed on the keynote is a type property. You have to duplicate and create a new type for each keynote you have. So what I do is create my first keynote and name that type "Keynote 1". Then in the type properties I put a 1 in the number field and the description. Then for the next one I just hit Duplicate and it automatically makes the next one "Keynote 2". Then I change the number field to a 2 and change the description to whatever #2 is. And so on.