View Full Version : Room Tags are Disappearing!

2006-02-07, 04:29 PM
I really hope this isn't a bug in the system, but we are seeing room tags on entire floor plans just disappearing from the view. When I left last night to go home, all the views were fine. Then when I started working this morning, I noticed a few room tags that I know were there had disappeared. I simply copy/pasted those back in from a different view. Then, I continued to work on a floor plan view that I created a while back, but didn't have any information on it. However, when I tried to just drop in a room tag from the menu, the tag wouldn't read the room information, even though the very same room has been tagged in several other views already. As if this isn't bad enough, when I tried to just go to another view to copy/paste them in, EVERY SINGLE room tag was gone in that view too.

At first, we just bit the bullet and started over from scratch on ALL the room tags, but they're disappearing again. The funny part though, the room schedule still shows these rooms and all the information in them, but when we try to tag the room, the tag won't read it. We've checked Visibility Graphics, worksets and everything. We're stumped! I'd appreciate any help you guys can give. Thanks!

2006-02-07, 04:48 PM
on your room schedule does the area read? if the area parameter is filled out then the room really exists, if it reports not tagged then the room is not enclosed or has not been placed. If the room is not enclosed or if the room is in a design option you would experience what you are describing.

2006-02-07, 05:28 PM
The schedule reads "not tagged", and there are no design options in the project. So by your explanation, that must mean that the rooms are no longer enclosed. However, the room separators are in place, the walls are room binding. The area boundaries show up when we try to place a room tag, it just doesn't read the existing information that is in the original room.

Could this have anything to do with "Tag Worksets" and "Room Worksets"? The tag go on the view workset, while the room workset is determined by the bounding walls. Could this be what's messing things up?

2006-02-07, 07:33 PM
If they say not tagged then they aren't finding the boundaries. It could be a host of reasons.

1. check you wall heights make sure they are from the floor level up and don't have a base offset.
2. check you room calculation settings under Settings>area settings/ room calculation tab. check to see that its set to computed height or if you have some sort of strange height constraints modify the setting to be at a point above the floor that will cut thru all the walls.

2006-02-08, 04:51 AM
Here's a guess...someone is changing the phase of the view to Existing and back. An error message pops up when you do this asking if you want to copy the tags since they are phase sensitive. If you choose don't copy tags they go away but they remain in the schedule.

2007-09-20, 04:54 PM
I had a similar thing happen with the rooms in my project. Fortunately, I was able to figure it out. The reason that the rooms/tags and everything associated with rooms disappeared is due to a filter that lost its reference.

I wanted 'Circulation' to be calculated in my building area, but I didn't want the name to appear on the floor plan. I had set up a filter and used a parameter to drive the visibility of the room tag. If the parameter had a value 'X' in it then the filter would turn that Room off. Pretty simple huh? The problem came when a team member deleted the parameter from the project (which was associated with Rooms). Once that parameter was removed, the filter remained and now turned ALL Rooms off. Once I deleted the filter or changed the filter so that the visibility was set to ON everything worked fine.

I realize now that I should have labeled the Circulation when I placed in the project as a room and then deleted the room tag, thus removing its visibility from the floor plan. Duh! Leave it to me to overcomplicate something that should have been very simple...