View Full Version : Compression Programs

2004-04-13, 02:03 PM
When creating an avi, you get the option of selecting video compression.

Other than making the file size smaller, does the compressor have any other affect on the avi?

The following compressors appear on my drop-down list. Does it matter which I select?

Cinepak Codec by Radius
Indeo Video 5.10
Intel 4:2:0 Video V2.50
Intel Indeo Video R3.2
Intel Indeo Video 4.5
Intel IYUV codec
Microsoft RLE
Microsoft Video 1
Microsoft H. 263 Video Codec
Microsoft H. 261 Video Codec

You can also configure the compressor. Is this important or should the defaults be accepted?

I often start avi generation and after selecting a compressor, Revit pauses a few seconds and then goes right back to the Export AVI window - essentially doing nothing. Sometimes this seems to happen when I try to overwrite an existing AVI and sometimes it seems it depends upon the compressor selected. Has anyone else had this experience?

Also, do you have to have the frame around the view highlighted prior to exporting an avi?

2004-04-13, 03:35 PM
The only one I can really talk about is the compressors, not even that really well, but here goes:

The compressors affect mainly file size and quality and vary on how they affect each. The only two that I've used to a much extent are cinepak and indeo 5. cinepak is (IMO) a good quality compressor and the one I usually have used. Indeo, if I remember right, creates a much smaller file and is still pretty good quality. The best way to tell any differences is to get a simple (quick to render) animation that is like 100 frames or something and render it with each compressor and then compare.

Also, I believe that certain compressors only support certain formats. i.e. I believe the first time I tried Indeo was because cinepak wouldn't export quicktime or something like that.

Sorry, its been a while, so I'm a little foggy on all this, bit I hope that helps a little...