View Full Version : Sheet with overlapping views

2006-02-09, 04:06 PM
I've seen that others have had similar threads, but needed to post this to see if there is a better solution than the one offered. Currently we have a unit plan of a Condo that is somewhat L-shaped. There needs to be 2 views of this on one sheet: one for notes, one for dimensions - otherwise it's too busy.

The person working on the project has created the views and placed the breaklines as required to 'hide' that potion of the adjacent unit, which is not to be seen. When he places these views on the Sheet, the breakline's filled region obscures the other view's plan. [SEE IMAGE]. (We actually need a little more room for the red section than is shown... need the dimension area too)

We have tried placing one view, then the other, then reversing that order, to see if there is any assistance in an apparent placement order on the Sheet. No such luck.
We've played with the order of the breakline in the views - no luck.
We know the current work-around is to break the top view into two - the top goes into a rectangular portion and the bottom for the lower "L" portion.
Does anyone know of another solution that they're using?


2006-02-09, 05:10 PM
i use a simple solution, instead of using the current break symbol, y draw a drafting filled region in white solid, with the lines that make the outside as invisible, and the lines to cut the draw as solid, the problem in your draw is the extent of opaque filed region
so drawing a filled region u could sketch it the way u want

2006-02-09, 06:14 PM
If *I* had drawn this project, and wanted to do separate note and dimension plans, I may have investigated a different approach to the unit-by-unit approach you have undertaken here. I would have investigated placing multiple units on the same page for dimensioning, and then repeat the same unit mix on the next page with the noted plan.

In your case, along the lines of what you want to do, you need odd-shaped "viewports" if you will. Since Revit does not currently support that (can't figure that one out at all, especially since AutoCAD has had variable shaped viewports for quite sometime), I think you are basically out of luck. I have had that problem time and again with the break lines that bleed over into a separate view on a sheet, and hence "screwing it all up" for me. Sorry I can't be of more help, except to say re-organize the set to show multiple unit plans per page for both noting and dimensioning.


2006-02-09, 06:27 PM
Oh you're no help at all..... by the way... you DID draw this... this is why we're in this mess to begin with !!! (just kidding!). I appreciate the comments, but we're still at square one. So far, we're of the same understanding that we can't make irregular viewports, etc. and we'll have to wait until they fix that in the Factory.

I'm still perplexed (and fascinated) as to HOW something in one view, obscures that which is in another separate view.

Fernando - I think I understand what you're saying, but isn't this going to cause essentially the same problem? The break symbol is using a filled region, with some lines invisible - and this is what is causing the problem. I will try it with a separate filled region (drawn from scratch) and see if I can control it any better.

Anyone else have a better mousetrap?


Paul Andersen
2006-02-09, 07:45 PM
Kyle, we're currently in the SD phase of a sprawling Condo/Convention center complex that has two irregular shaped plans per sheet. We are using the exact method that Fernando has described in his post (solid white filled region with invisible lines) to cover the information between the matchline and the crop region. We have found that the plan with the overlapping filled region needs to be placed on the sheet first so that it doesn't obscure the other plan. Luckily both plans don't require filled regions that overlap. Sure would be nice to sketch a crop region or scope box. I'm currenlty using Release 2 of Revit Structure.

2006-02-10, 01:39 PM
The break line family is structured exactly like the filled regions in question, save for the actual break line which is a hard line. In essence, they are out of luck unless they rearrange the sheets. You guys are best off dividing that project by units, my guess would be units 00-02, rotated to fit the long way (it will make a nice rectangle for you too). Then divide it up in 03-04, and 05-06, respectively, since I don't think all 4 will fit on one page. It might though.

Now that we have that solved, you can send me a consultant's check for my meager fee ;)

2006-02-10, 03:35 PM
You're not using the irregularly shaped polygon viewport tool?

Fernando has the right approach in my experience.

Paul Andersen
2006-02-10, 04:35 PM
I recant the validity of my previous post :Oops:. My overlapping area in question between the views was primarily grid lines, tags, and dimensions. All of which display and print over the filled region. I didn't have any building geometry modeled in the area of the overlap for the pricing set that we issued. Now that I'm fleshing out the project more for dd's I'm having the same issue as you with the filled region covering walls and framing regardless of how I sequence the view placement on the sheets. I even activated the view on the sheet so I could select the filled region and send it to the back with no luck. My apologies. I agree with jshebert that the filled region and break line family are essentially the same thing so I guess it shouldn't be a surprise. When it appeared to work on my project I just figured it was giving the filled region in the family a higher priority then one sketched from scratch . . . my bad. I do think it's odd that one view effects another in this manner and at the very least would like the ability to sequence the views on the sheet (send to back) and have the filled regions respect the ordering . . . they are separate views after all.

Back to the drawing board I guess . . . Now Peter where did you say that irregularly shaped polygon viewport tool was? :)

Dean Camlin
2006-02-12, 03:20 AM
Kyle, you should be able to do what you want by using 3 different viewports. Place the first view as the whole plan. Duplicate that plan (with or without detailing) & use a crop region to limit the view to the portion you need. Then duplicate the original plan again & use the crop region to limit the view to the other portion you need. Then drag & drop the 2 copies to where you want them, overlapping the viewports until they align. They should automatically align, and you won't see the edges of the cropped regions when you plot. See the attached plot for an example (yes, this is going to be my own house, if I can afford to build it after bids come in).

Dean Camlin
2006-02-12, 03:27 AM
I should add that I've used this technique also on elevation views for irregularly shaped buildings, where one portion of the building in the foreground obscures part of the building that would otherwise be behind it. I create 2 elevations with different clip planes and crop regions, then drop them both on the same sheet (I make sure only one of the viewports retains its view title). When properly aligned they snap into place and the transition is seamless.

Drafting Stooge
2006-02-12, 11:46 AM
As a suggestion, you could break down your plans into segments and then overlap and pin them on your documentation page. This would solve your apparent 'overlap' problem and allow you to split up the floor plans as you require.

As far as the break line masking details is concerned, we have created a break line using the 'annotation' family without the masking. This allows the breakline to be inserted on the edge of the revit viewport without cutting out necessary documentation as the breakline takes on the same properties as text.

If masking is required, we set up infills created with white solids and invisible lines. This allows us to cover up areas that are not required.

Just a suggestion...

2006-02-15, 04:59 PM
So is the concensus that a filled region will always obscure all model graphics, even model graphics in other views when views are overlapping on a sheet? Is there no way around this?

2006-02-15, 05:25 PM
Is there no way around this?

Refer to the many requests in the wishlist for irregular shaped viewports.

Considering all the Revit features that Autocad has "stolen", you would think that the factory could steal that one from Autocad (along with a text editor)!

2006-02-15, 05:30 PM
Well it's not really viewports I'm concerned about. I have a site grading plan that is actually 2 views on top of one another. One has the toposurfaces and pads only, the other has the building in a wireframe view to show the existing topo underneath the new building addition. My problem is that the pad on the existing phase is not cutting the existing toposurface, and so I'm seeing existing topo lines underneath the existing portion of the building. I tried using a filled region in the view w/ the toposurfaces in the area of the existing building, but the filled region in the toposurface view is obscuring model objects in the building plan view.