View Full Version : time/date stamp font

2006-02-09, 04:57 PM
anyone know how to change the font of the automatic time date stamp in a titleblock? i've changed the tag style in the titleblock file and it looks fine, but when i load it into a project file, it reverts to it's original setting.

2006-02-09, 08:56 PM
How did you go about it?

Did you open your titleblock rfa file, and change the label font of the time date stamp? Then save the titleblock file, then load it into your project?

2006-02-09, 09:00 PM
yep. it looks fine in the .rfa file, but loads back into the project as if nothing was changed. i'm changing the font as well as the width factor, but the reloaded version looks like neither has changed. it's the only label i've had trouble with. the others are fine.

Kirk Bricker
2006-02-09, 09:25 PM
If you have changed an item in the family, you should be seeing this message (Family "30x42 Titleblock" is already loaded in the document. Would you like to overwrite it?) If you do not see that message you have 2 different families with different names loaded into the file and you are not seeing the correct family.

Other than that it should be straight forward to change the font in the System Family: Label under the type parameters.


2006-02-09, 11:07 PM
i thought it should be straight forward too, but the one label refuses to change. i'm loading the same file, and telling it to overwrite the existing file/parameters each time (i even double checked myself and opened the family from the project file), but no luck. i'm probablly missing something obvious, but this is stumping me.

i've attached one of the problem files. if you get a chance, could you try loading it into a project and seeing if the width factor changes on the time/date stamp?

this is driving me nuts!

2006-02-10, 12:02 AM
I think the date/time stamp only shows up with the correct value when you plot.... Otherwise it displays the sample value.

2006-02-10, 01:29 AM
No it changes everytime you do anything, just pan or zoom and it will update

2006-02-10, 01:36 AM
I see what you're talking about now...the width factor doesn't carry over to the project...how very strange. I think the width factor feature still has some bugs in it, thats why i just created a narrow version of our font

Hmm if i change the parameter to anything besides the plot stamp the width carries thru...I think ya found a bug!

2006-02-10, 02:12 PM
well, not the outcome i was hoping for, but at least it's been spotted now, i guess. looks like in the meantime i just have some titleblock tweaking to work on...

thanks for checking it out.

2006-02-10, 04:22 PM
You should call support to make them aware of the issue, they may fix it in the next buiild if they are aware of it.

2006-02-10, 04:24 PM
i'll do it. maybe i could get them to make a decent looking elevation mark, while i'm at it