View Full Version : Column visibility

2006-02-09, 05:07 PM
We have a custom column family that has all its geometry set to not show in plan or RCP or when cut in plan or RCP, with symbolic lines that are supposed to show instead.

First question is, in one project the column shows fine in plan (symbolic lines only) but in another project it does not dislpay correctly (geometry cut in plan is visible in addition to model lines).

Second question is, is there a way to place a column next to a wall and NOT have the wall material migrate over into the column?

I'm attaching the column family in question.

2006-02-09, 05:20 PM
okay nevermind about the 1st question, in the other project there are walls above that don't show in plan, but hit the column right along the top surface, which makes all the model geometry show up. Is there any way to keep it from doing that?

2006-02-09, 10:38 PM
On 2nd question: open family, go to Settings, Family Category and Parameters, Under Family Parameters unset parameter 'Automatically joins geometry to wall'.
I hope this helps.

2006-02-10, 03:21 PM
awesome, never knew that was there. :)