View Full Version : create a new object style for misc schedule keys

2006-02-09, 05:12 PM
I know how to create a sub category but can I create a new top level category?

The reason I want to do this is I started using a schedule keys as dummy note blocks for things that I want formatted to look like a schedule but that aren't really derived from the model. e.g. zoning and code tables. However, when making a schedule key you have to pick a category and subsequently the fields you add to the key show up as parameters in whatever category you selected.

So, I'd like to make a new category for these dummy schedules. Is this possible?


2006-02-09, 05:39 PM
So, I'd like to make a new category for these dummy schedules. Is this possible?

don't think so. Those top-level catagories are hardwired into Revit.