View Full Version : Lock ref plane to end of sloped roof

2006-02-09, 07:47 PM
I know I did it last week (or at least that's what I think I managed to do!) but have been unable to reproduce it.

I'm trying to draw a ref plane to an edge of a sloped roof so I can place a spot dimension on that ref plane. What I managed to do last week enabled me to move the roof slab and the spot dimension updates accordingly. I know I can place the same spot at the end of a sloped slab, but you cannot configure the spot dimension the way we traditionally do (see attachment).

Does anyone know how to, sort of, align a horizontal ref plane to a point? I have no clue how I did it....it seemed I just snapped to an endpoint and that was it, but I cannot reproduce it. The closest I came to it is to group the ref plane and the roof so they move together. I don't think this is what I did last week, but I guess it could have been :confused:

I cannot use levels to show the bottom of decks since the decks slope to allow for storm drainage. And we typically have a lot of different hi/lo conditions even on a one story building. My only option is the spot elevation. Thanks all.

2006-02-10, 01:28 PM
Something like this ?

2006-02-10, 01:48 PM
Have yout tried using a reference line ? It can be esily locked to elements you want to move around.

2006-02-10, 03:49 PM
Something like this ?
Yes! How did you achieve that?

Reference lines are only available in the family editor. I want to do this in the project.

2006-02-10, 03:58 PM
Start the Ref. Plane at the edge or point of the roof > a padlock will appear then> lock it > Spot Dim.

2006-02-10, 04:06 PM
That's what I have done before, and that's what I'm doing now. I've even tried using the snap override (SI, SE), but no padlock appears. That's why I'm kinda confused :banghead: I'll try post an example.

2006-02-10, 04:30 PM
Ok, I think I might have found a "bug", unless this is by design, which I have a hard time believing.

In an elevation view, you get a padlock. In a section view, you don't. Take a look at the attachment. In the elevation view I got a padlock and I locked the plane. In a section view I didn't get a padlock. Try deleting the ref planes and sketch them in both views yourself. What do you guys think? I might file a support request for this.

2006-02-11, 01:35 AM
Ok, Adsk support responded in a quick, efficient manner and they have forwarded this issue to the development team for future consideration.

I also explained that the reaosn I was doing this "workaround", was due to the lack of flexibility in the Spot Elevation annotation tool, which in section and elevation views, I want it to be just like the Levels annotation. Anyway, the workaround to solve the non-lockable ref. plane in section is to isolate your element (ex: roof slab), go to an elevation view and draw the ref plane, snapped to an endpoint, and lock it. Reset the temp. hide, go back to the section view and place the Spot Elevation on the ref. plane. Done :beer: