View Full Version : How to set up Interior Elevation views

2006-02-09, 08:32 PM
I note that under settings/view templates one can set the various visibility of objects for different types of views, ie floor plans, elevation views. I would like to create a view template called "Interior Elevation" with different vieew settings from exterior elevations, which I have done however when placing an elevation symbol for an interior elevation there doesnt appear to be any way to select the Interior View settings I previously set up, can anyone tell me how to set up different settings for Interior Elevations distinct from Exterior elevations, so that when I place a In t erior elevation symbol I dont have to go in to each elevation and change the view settings.

2006-02-09, 08:53 PM
I think you will have to click each one and set it to your interior elevation template.

If you click once on the arrow portion of the elevation symbol, a blue line should appear indicating the section plane of the view, and you can click on the Properties button at the top left to get that view's properties, where you can choose which view template to apply.

You can also pick multiple elevations to change them all at once. Just use Ctrl + click on each of the arrow portions of the elevation symbols.

2006-02-10, 01:40 AM
Generate your interior elevations. Select the ones to apply a view template to in the project browser. Right click, pick apply view template, select the view template you want to use.