View Full Version : Material Tags for Elevations

2006-02-10, 04:45 AM
Traditionally, tagging finish materials on exterior and interior elevations has always been a manual process, and thus by it's nature, prone to errors.

In large projects you end up with multiple brick colors, paints, metal panel profiles etc. and when the project team is large, things can get out of hand, whether due to lack of experience, negligence....you name it. I have seen a portion of a building elevated from different angles on multiple sheets, tagged with the wrong brick colors (on one it's BK1, on another it's BK2, while the designer intended it to be BK3!). So I thought that by switching to Revit, we would be able to control such factors easily. I thought to myself, if the building is modeled correctly with the right elements and corresponding materials, then the finishes will be tagged correctly everywhere.

Yet I have not been able to find such an automatic feature and I feel it's a decent sized hole (valuable missing feature). I can't find anything to tag a "material". I want the ability to even tag split regions with different materials. I want the ability to schedule all the used materials in the project so I can create a finish schedule (perhaps with shared parameters that can be assigned to the materials category so that each can have a "Type Mark", ex: BK1) The information is in the database because Revit knows what to render each surface with. So why not make that information available to tags?

Am I missing something or is this a feature that exists in some form, or there's a workaround? If it is a missing feature, based on your feedback, I'll add a poll to a follow-up thread to gauge how many users feel it would be valuable. Thanks all!

Andre Baros
2006-02-10, 01:11 PM
Does not exist yet. We're working around it with a custom Keynote tag, but this only solves some of the problems. BK-1, is always BK-1, and everyone using that tag can see the description and use it consistently but it isn't linked to the model. If the wall changes the tag does not. You can fix this in families though a shared parameter, but since most of the time your tagging walls, this doesn't help.

I guess this should be a complaint to the factory, but I wasn't sure how common this sort of tag is...

2006-02-10, 01:21 PM
You're not alone, David.

This should be an option if we want to use it. Please file a support request with the big 'A'. This is the only official way we have of influencing the Factory.

2006-02-10, 03:54 PM
Absolutely, I'm on the case.

Sometimes we tend to concentrate a lot on modelling tools, but one of the main reasons I want to use something like Revit is so that when I model something, it is easy to document and minimize (obliterate!) user input error. Finishes is an area we traditionally mess up unless the designer is solely dedicated to one job, and we all know how they tend to be spread thin in large corporations. I'll post this in the wishlist forum later on, file a support request and will provide a link to it in this thread.

Thanks guys.

2006-02-10, 06:13 PM
Ok, I posted a poll on the wishlist forum (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=33825). Please take a few seconds to read the new thread, look at the image and vote. I'll file a support request on this shortly.